Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 767

Her memory is staying on the way to the hospital with vomiting and dizziness. She thought that a day had passed, but almost a week passed. Why did she not even remember this week?

The faint pain in her abdomen reminded her of her abnormal body. She lifted up her clothes and saw a piece of gauze adhered to her uterus.

She tore the gauze tremblingly and found a scar on her belly that was obviously new scab. It seemed that she had just had some operation!

"Nurse, what's the scar on my belly?" Cheng angqi panicked.

"I don't know. It looks like a scar left after the operation." The nurse replied coldly, "you just entered our hospital. How can we know what operation you have had before?"

"What?" Cheng angqi screamed, "I didn't live here for a week, how could I just send it in?"

"Our hospital has surveillance. If you don't believe it, you have just been sent in." The nurse pointed to the notebook in her hand. "Look at it. I've just registered you for admission."

"No No way Cheng angqi's heart raised a trace of fear, and realized that someone must have moved something on her. The whole person trembled, "call the doctor, I want to have a physical examination, go quickly!"


More than a child, from inside the B-ultrasound room came Cheng Anqi's shrill scream, "ah! Ah! You're talking nonsense. How can I have no uterus? It's impossible. I have a uterus all the time

"Miss Cheng An Qi, please be calm and don't be dry. If you look at the B-ultrasound screen yourself, you really don't have a uterus." The doctor's formulaic tone.

"I had it before. Where's my uterus?" She cried sharply.

"Is your uterus cancerous and has been removed? It is obvious that you have been treated in other hospitals, and the scar of hysterectomy hand is on your belly

"I don't have uterine cancer! I have no treatment. It must be your hospital. I have disturbed my body Cheng angqi exclaimed excitedly, "I will sue you, I will sue you!"

"Miss Cheng, calm down. You have just been sent to our hospital by several passers-by. Where is your Zi palace? It really has nothing to do with our hospital."

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" She cried and yelled, "how can I have a baby without my son Gong? You give me back the body parts!"

I smashed all the B-ultrasound displays.

"Miss Cheng angqi, we can understand your mood, but if you damage the hospital facilities like this, you have to compensate. We have the right to ask you to calm down!" The doctor couldn't see the right and left the B-ultrasound room.

Cheng Anqi smashed the equipment like crazy.

She couldn't believe that she couldn't even make her mother a week without memory.

Suddenly it occurred to her that on the way to the hospital on the day of pretending to be faint, she lost consciousness completely.

It must be someone who gave her anesthesia, took her uterus out in some shady operating room, and then kept her in a coma. Only when she recovered a lot after surgery did passers-by take her to this hospital.

Someone's behind the scenes!

Who is it?

Her eyes were bulging, red and guessing.

Is it Cheng yingxuan?

That cheap woman, it seems, is not so good at it.

Is it Yan shiting?

She suddenly understood that this was a warning from Yan shiting. , the fastest update of the webnovel!