Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 768

She should not let the media misunderstand vomiting, is pregnant with Yan shiting's child!

She's just provoking someone's life!

Thinking of the rumors she heard, people who offended and hindered Yan shiting will disappear

Some people say that Yan shiting doesn't take human life seriously.

She thought it was just a rumor.

After all, he was curious about Cheng yingxuan's mother and son.

Now, she is thousands of regrets, should not have provoked Yan shiting!

She cowered around her shoulders, and the whole person trembled and froze.

She is afraid of I'm afraid this life will be lost.

But she is not reconciled to such no uterus, she wants revenge!

Even if she lost her life, she must find a chance to revenge!


Cheng yingxuan was driving on the road and called Zheng Wei, "where is Yan shiting?"

"Boss is in the underground liquor kiln, drunk. I haven't been out for four days Zheng Wei answers in a low voice.

"What?" Cheng yingxuan was surprised, "he was drinking for four days?"

"Yes, he hasn't left the distillery since the case was exposed."

"Didn't he see the paternity test results between him and Cheng Xiaobao? Didn't he pull out Xiao Bao's hair himself? " Cheng yingxuan doubts.

"Yes." Zheng Wei's tone was also very disappointed, "because I saw it, I shut myself into the wine kiln. Boss was almost mad. "

"His behavior So, what he saw was that Xiaobao had no blood relationship with him? " Although it is an interrogative sentence, Cheng yingxuan's tone is affirmative.

If Yan shiting knew that Xiaobao was his own son, he would not be silent until now.

That's the identification he saw, and it's not known who did it.

"Yes." Zheng Wei's voice is hard to avoid blaming, "Cheng Gong, since Xiaobao is not the boss's son, how can you suggest that Xiaobao is the boss's son in some behaviors? You don't know how eager the boss is to have a child of his own? "

"Well, I'm here to deal with these things." She cut him off.

"You must not come here!" Zheng Wei was worried, "boss is drunk and always says he wants to kill you and go to hell with him. I'm afraid that if you come, he will really do you harm..."

Before finishing, Cheng yingxuan has already hung up the phone.

"Hello, hello..." Zheng Wei called to the mobile phone and sighed helplessly.

On the front passenger seat of the SUV, Cheng Xiaobao frowned, "Mom, it turns out that uncle Yan took my hair for identification and was also betrayed. You have also been framed. You are really in the same boat. "

"I don't feel sorry for each other. I have a hunch that the real paternity test can't appear in Yan shiting's eyes. It's also the ghost made by the man behind Xie Yang."

"But what's good for that man?"

She shook her head. There must be a purpose. "

"Is Xuanxuan going to fight against the man behind the scenes?"

"Yes." She touched her son's head and drove around a corner to reach the villa where Yan shiting lived.

The dart stopped Cheng yingxuan's car. She stopped, rolled down the window and said, "get out of the way!"

"Miss Cheng, you can't go in." The bodyguard's business attitude.

"Who said I couldn't get in? The order of Yan shiting? "

"This..." When the bodyguard hesitated, Cheng yingxuan said without expression, "since Yan shiting didn't stop me, I still have the right to come in! This villa is under my son's name, so I can get in and out freely legally! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!