Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 766

"Do you have today's newspaper?" Cheng angqi wanted to see how much effect the reporter wrote that she was pregnant with Yan shiting's child!

"No The nurse said, "your cell phone is in the drawer of the bedside table. The passers-by who sent you put it there."

"Oh." She opened the drawer and took out her cell phone.

The phone is off, press the power on button.

She immediately checked the news. The news media said that she might be pregnant with Yan shiting's child. Unfortunately, few netizens in the comment area believed that Yan shiting did not look up to her such a despicable "chicken".

Netizens also said that she was such a lousy trick that she thought she could be lazy and give her child to President Yan. She wanted to marry into a rich family and was crazy.


Anyway, no one believed that she was pregnant with Yan shiting's child.

She was half dead with anger.

He also saw that Yan shiting's infertile cases were posted on the Internet and were under countless attacks.

Her heart is also happy, let Yan shiting impolitely drive her out, can't bear, deserve!

When she saw that Cen Sufen denied that Cheng Xiaobao was the blood of Yan Family and said that she was hoodwinked by Cheng yingxuan, and that Cheng yingxuan was not less scolded than she was, she grinned!

Hum, Cheng Xiaobao is a bastard!

Cheng yingxuan, how miserable she has fallen.

If you dare to plant the bastards to the Yan family, the Yan family will definitely account for it, which is enough for her Cheng yingxuan to eat!

"Ha ha! Ha ha ha Cheng angqi laughed so much that her tears almost came out. She couldn't hide her pride at the thought that Cheng yingxuan would soon be killed by the Yan Family and that she could not keep her body intact.

"Cheng Miss Cheng... " The nurse looked at her exaggerated smile, a little cautious panic, "what is worth your so happy about?"

"Of course I'm happy." Cheng angqi said coldly, "my favorite thing in my life is to see Cheng yingxuan's misfortune. You read the news, she framed the bastard to the Yan family. What kind of fault is Yan family? What do you think of Cheng yingxuan's mother and son's death? "

"This..." The nurse said cautiously, "Miss angel, you didn't say that Cheng yingxuan is your sister all the time. You live in our hospital and have no money to pay the bill. When you leave the hospital, you still rely on the reputation of Cheng yingxuan, saying that you are her sister, you can't afford not to pay..."

Cheng Anqi immediately turned over, "my mother sold her for a long time. She was only nine years old at that time. She's almost twenty-four now. Our Cheng family and Cheng yingxuan have no relationship at all. How could she be my sister? Not more than a decade ago! Don't talk nonsense. I don't know Cheng yingxuan at all

The Yan family moved their anger to her. Now this situation is how far away from Cheng yingxuan and her son!

Some time ago, it was reported that Cheng Xiaobao was Yan shiting's son. When Cheng Anqi saw the advantage, she said that Xiaobao's aunt was everywhere. When the other party was in trouble, Cheng Anqi ran faster than the rabbit, and her relationship was clear.

The nurse was not very pleased with this kind of woman.

The other bed patients and their families in the same ward can't see or say anything.

Cheng angqi continued to turn her mobile phone to see how netizens scolded Cheng yingxuan.

Suddenly found that the date is wrong, and then turn to the mobile phone screen, very surprised to find that the date on the top shows that it has been nearly a week since she was installed in front of the villa! Isn't it just a day ago?

"Nurse, what's the date today?" Cheng angqi had a bad feeling in her heart.

The nurse answered her.

She did not give up to check the network time, found that it has been nearly a week! , the fastest update of the webnovel!