Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 765

Sneering at the corners of his lips, there is no evidence, just suspicion.

She didn't want to do him wrong.

"I never need you to solve my problems." Cheng yingxuan said coldly, "don't stab me in the back."

Mu Yufeng's face was hurt. "Xuanxuan, my life is yours. If it wasn't for you I'm no longer here. How can I get the hand that feeds me? "

"Well, I thought the best thing for people like us is to bite the hand that feeds the hand." For example, didn't Xie Yang just sell her?

"If something happened to you, tell me that I will try my best to help you..." Anxiety came to his face.

"It's really annoying to meet you so doggedly. Get out of my way!" She frowned impatiently.

Mu Yufeng was very sad, "Xuanxuan, I'm sincere to you, you treat me so..."

"My attitude to you is not the first day. You are going to hit the gun yourself." Ding, the elevator stopped on the first floor, she led Xiaobao out of the elevator, looked back at the cold glance to follow him, "don't want me to hate you more, just give me a step."

Mu Yu Maple crystal bright eyes almost contain fog, he is really sad.

Cheng Xiaobao looks back at him. He pulls out a pale smile and waves his hand in a friendly way.

The little guy took back his sight. "Mom, uncle Mu seems to be crying."

"We have no tears." There was no condensation in her voice.

"But I think he is really sad..."


"I can't tell it's a fake..."

She sneered, "I show you, your mother and I will not be framed by an old friend for no reason. Now the biggest suspect behind the scenes is mu Yufeng. I really can't give you a good look. "

"Mom, it would be terrible if Uncle Mu hid so deeply!"

Cheng yingxuan sighed, "I can only say that he is more terrible than you think."

"Mom, uncle Mu's goal seems to be you. You have to be careful."

"Well." She opened the door of a BMW SUV parked in a parking space near the flower bed. "Don't ask where I'm going to take you?"

The little guy climbed into the car spontaneously and sat in the co pilot's seat

She nodded, sat in the driver's seat and started the car. "It's time to solve this problem."

The SUV headed for Yan shiting's villa in the suburbs.


Meanwhile, in an unknown hospital in Chenxia, Cheng Anqi woke up in a hospital bed. She struggled to sit up from the bed and looked at the surrounding environment. "How can I be here?"

"A few passers-by brought you here." A nurse was on the edge to remove the drip.

Cheng Anqi recalled that she vomited at the door of Yan's villa and passed out after pretending to be dizzy. After that, she didn't know what had happened. She woke up to now.

The passer-by in the nurse's mouth should be the reporter who interviewed her.

She remembers that a reporter called 120.

A burst of faint pain came from the lower abdomen. Cheng angqi's face turned white with pain, "nurse, how can I have a stomachache?"

"You have seen a disease in our hospital before, you have serious gynecological disease, did not cure to leave the hospital, is not gynecological disease attack?"

"Also Maybe. " Cheng angqi is not sure. She looks at the sky outside the window. It's morning.

It's afternoon for her to act unconscious at the door of the villa. Has it been a day? , the fastest update of the webnovel!