Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 743

"Education system?" CEN Sufen heard the point, "is this dress you made yourself?"

"Yes. When I was a university student in Cambridge, I met Mr Zhu. After going out of society, I occasionally visited his design institute. I begged for a long time, but he was willing to teach me how to make cheongsam. After learning, I made such a finished product, which was also the first dress I made. "

Yang Xi looked very shy, "I'm afraid it's hard to make this dress elegant."

CEN Sufen took out the clothes in the exquisite paper box. It was a cheongsam made of extremely gorgeous silk.

There is a plum blossom embroidered from the neckline to the shoulder and the skirt, which makes the whole dress have Chinese traditional classical charm. The unique cutting is not lack of fashion trend, which can be said to combine the essence of the combination of China and the West.

Anyone who looks at it will be brilliant clothes, absolutely superb fine works.

Just looking at the extreme of grace, I don't know how luxurious women are?

CEN Sufen's eyes brightened. "This dress is so beautiful! Is this really what you made yourself, sissy

"I did it myself. It's only a few years ago. It's really hard work. I'll give it to you the first time I make it. It's really funny. "

"Oh, you are so modest. With such exquisite workmanship, you are better than famous designers. People who don't know think you learned fashion design! " CEN Sufen was full of praise, and suddenly thought of something and exclaimed, "Mr Zhu, you said, should not be the international cheongsam Design Master Zhu Dingsheng?"

"It's him." She nodded.

"The cheongsam he designed has won international awards. It's rare that you can get his advice."

"I did try a lot. As long as you like it, auntie. "

"Like, like, like very much!" CEN Sufen praised three times in succession. He went to the mahogany chair in the living room and showed his clothes to Yan Song. "Master, do you think this dress looks good?"

Yan Song looked at qiaopao, Jiong sharp eyes all flash accident, "very good."

"Hello, uncle Yan." Yang Xi said with a smile, "long time no see. How are you?"

Yan Song nodded, "how are your parents?"

"Thanks for the care. They're fine."

"Sit down." Yan Song compared the chair.

"No, I'm a junior. Just stand up." Yang Xi is polite.

"How can I stand? Sit down." CEN Sufen put Yang Xi into one of the mahogany chairs and sat down. She waved to the servant, "it's not tea yet. Oh, by the way, CICI, what kind of tea do you like to drink

"All right."

"Let's have a pot of Longjing tea. They gave me a few catties of Longjing, which is the most tender and the most tender. It tastes good. Uncle Yan can't bear to drink it. You can't buy any money. "

"It's a great honor for Yang Xi." Her face was flattered.

"It should be so valuable for me." CEN Sufen looked more satisfied with Yang Xi, "CICI, listen to your parents say, you still don't have a boyfriend, do you?"

"Well." She smiles, "before only to study, after graduation also only care about career, did not have time to find."

"You're such a good girl that most people can't afford it." CEN Sufen asked tentatively, "I don't know what you think of our family background?"

"From childhood to adulthood, brother shiting has always been my idol." Yang Xi said, bowing her head in shame.

"Oh CEN Sufen clapped her hand, "it's great to rush in love. CICI, if you are the daughter-in-law of our Yan family, I wonder if you would like to

Yang Xi blushed, "Auntie, I went to the west to receive education, and my temperament is straight. I don't want to beat around the bush. If I can marry brother Shi Ting, it's my luck. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!