Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 744

"That's wonderful!" CEN Sufen couldn't close her mouth with joy. She winked at Yan Song, "master, look, we have a daughter-in-law!"

Yan Song coughed, "in front of younger generation, you are also more solemn."

Longjing tea was brought up, and Cen Sufen handed her cheongsam to her servant to collect it. She poured a cup of tea for Yang Xi personally, "Qian Qian, please pay for this Longjing tea."

"The taste is rich and fragrant, and there is a light fragrance in the fragrance. It's mellow and mellow. It's really a good tea." Yang Xipin praises.

"Do you know the tea ceremony?" Yan Song was surprised again.

I don't understand. However, she knows that Yan Song likes to drink tea, and recently received a few Jin of Dingji Longjing.

She was not interested in studying all kinds of tea, so she made some efforts on this Longjing tea.

She sent such a good cheongsam that she believed she could receive the best tea.

Sure enough, they all come in handy.

"A little bit." Yang Qian's attitude is neither humble nor overbearing.

"A little understanding of what it means. Sissy is too modest." CEN Sufen helped to speak, "I've been drinking tea for so many years, but I can't say a way. You'll come out with a product, so you're an expert."

"I'm flattered. My father also likes to drink tea. I know something from the experience. "

If you are modest, you will get more appreciation.

CEN Sufen took out two newspapers and handed them to her, "would you like to have a look first?"

Yang Xi took over the newspaper. The first one was that Yan shiting only showed his right face and his left face was wearing a mask. The media suspected that he was disfigured and that his face under the mask was not visible.

The second newspaper reported that Cheng Xiaobao was Yan shiting's son.

"What do you think of it?" CEN Sufen looked at her expression.

Yang Qian's face did not change at all, and she always had a smile on her face. "Brother shiting is a genius. His own company has gradually grown and made rapid progress. No company can compare its performance and efficiency. Over the years, she has become the richest man in Asia with her own ability. Every move is the focus of the media. Moreover, he has such a proud family background that even if he drinks tea and has a meal, he may be scribbled. As long as it's not what brother Shi Ting said, I don't believe it. "

"That's right." CEN Sufen seemed to have found a confidant and said, "the media is just scribbling. Our shiting's face is good, and he has no disfigurement at all. He is just eccentric and likes to wear half a mask."

Shiting can't tell the world about cosmetic surgery.

They don't say that either. Anyway, no one has seen his face under his mask when his son was disfigured. Now his face is back to normal, and he says that he hasn't done it in front of outsiders.

"As for Cheng Xiaobao..." CEN Sufen was remorseful. "It was Cheng yingxuan, the woman who wanted to climb the dragon and the Phoenix. She insisted that Xiaobao was the son of shiting and cheated me. Shiting doesn't believe Cheng yingxuan will have his children, so he takes Cheng Xiaobao for a paternity test. The appraisal report shows that Cheng Xiaobao is not his own son at all. You see, here's the identification result. I sent someone to copy it secretly from Jiasheng hospital in the United States. "

Several pages were handed to her again.

After reading it, Yang Xi was surprised, "so it is. It's not brother Shi Ting's son. He planted it to him. Cheng yingxuan is too much. "

"Not really. Now people of low birth can really use any means to climb high. " CEN Sufen was full of sarcasm, "have you read today's news? Cheng yingxuan's younger sister Cheng Anqi vomited outside the villa where Ting lived before. This reporter can write that she is pregnant with the child of shiting? Don't believe it. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!