Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 742

Wei Ximing saw his face so cold that he almost wanted to kill people. He did not dare to say death. He added, "unless it is a miracle. Yes Yes, yes, yes, you are right. No matter how low the success rate is, it is also a hope that we may succeed. "

Glancing at Mr. Yan's murderous face getting better, he tried to flatter him again, "I can't tell, this miracle happened to you."

Hearing this, Yan shiting's face softened.

Cheng yingxuan's behavior, his inexplicable closeness to Xiaobao, and the elders of the Yan family all feel that Xiaobao is in the same mold with him

He has a kind of intuition, Cheng Xiaobao is this miracle.

Thinking of his son as his own treasure

Yan shiting was so excited that tears almost came out.

It used to be just suspicion, but now it's almost certain.

The rising hope can no longer be extinguished.

Xiaobao, you must be my son, you must be!

He cried out in his heart.

No one knows how eager he is to have a child, and that child's biological mother or Cheng yingxuan, can only be Cheng yingxuan!

Yan shiting was silent.

Director Yan Ximing guessed that these questions were also asked by Dr

Could it be that five or six years ago, Yan always went with which woman to make a test tube baby?

Yan didn't like talkative people. He didn't dare to ask questions.

Yan shiting took out a brocade box as big as a palm from his suit pocket and opened it. There were two thumb sized glass bottles lying side by side.

One glass bottle was empty, and one contained two hair.

The two hairs, which he had pulled out from Xiaobao's head last night, had roots.

This time Cheng won't have any chance to change Xiao Bao's hair.

He pulled out one of his hair, put it into the empty glass bottle, put the two bottles back into the brocade box, and handed them to Wei Ximing, "go to do the paternity test immediately, and inform me immediately when you get the result!"

"Yes Wei Ximing respectfully took the brocade box and turned to the laboratory.

Yan shiting comes out from the VIP room, and the bodyguard Zheng Wei follows behind the boss.


At the gate of Yan's old house, an Audi stopped. The driver opened the door and a tall young woman came down from the back seat. She was wearing a light white women's waistband suit, white shirt and high-heeled shoes of the same color. Her facial features were excellent, and she was gorgeous and capable.

Waiting at the door of the house, one of Yan's servants made a gesture to her, "Miss Yang, you're here! My husband and wife have been waiting for a long time

She stepped on high heels and entered the yard with the driver carrying things.

The vast courtyard of Yan Family's old house looks like a beautiful park, and the scenery is the exquisite beauty of ancient big families.

Approaching the living room, CEN Sufen met her and said, "it's sissy! Oh, long time no see. "

"Auntie, you are still so young, beautiful and elegant."

CEN Sufen couldn't close her mouth with a smile, "look at your small mouth, but you can really speak. Come on, let your aunt have a good look. It's really the 18th year old girl who has changed. The more beautiful she becomes

"I'm flattered." Yang Xi winked at the driver behind her, and the other party immediately grasped the gift box in her hand. "Madam Yan, this is a little bit of my miss's heart."

CEN Sufen took over, "Sisi, you are a child, come here, what do you bring with you, then you can see."

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