Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 741

"Nearly six years ago, there was no hope at all?" He asked without hesitation.

Wei Ximing thought for a moment and said, "maybe with good luck, you could still have a few to a dozen live sperm six years ago or so."

"If a woman doesn't share a room with a man, how can she conceive of the man's own child?" Yan shiting is a business genius, but he is not a doctor after all. He has to ask a doctor for a major in the medical field.

"In today's medicine, manual teaching of Jing and test tube baby are both OK. What's more, both methods are mature technologies. "

Yan shiting asked without expression, "can my sperm get children in these two ways?"

Wei Xi's forehead was sweating like a waterfall. "You don't have any living sperm. How could you..."

"I mean, six years ago, if there were living spirits."

Wei Ximing raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead. He didn't dare to deceive him. "The number of live sperm can reach a certain standard by artificial giving Jing. Obviously, your situation was impossible six years ago or now. As for IVF, theoretically, as long as there is a live sperm, it can match with the egg Zi to form an embryo and transfer it into the mother

"After obtaining sperm, if you don't test tube immediately, can you keep it for a few months before doing it?" Yan shiting asked questions. Thinking that Cheng Xiaobao was only half a year after his first encounter with Cheng yingxuan, Cheng yingxuan was pregnant with Xiaobao. He added a time, "for example, do it in half a year?"

"Sperm freezing technology is quite mature. It can be preserved for one day, several months, ten years It's all right. You said it's OK for half a year. " Wei Ximing answers quite quickly, "and frozen sperm after thawing and fresh, will not affect the quality."

Yan shiting suddenly realized that Cheng yingxuan was a baby conceived by a test tube baby!

Moreover, it can be concluded that after "stealing" his sperm, she first cryopreserved it, and then injected Luan to make a test tube.

He is very excited, she actually did a test tube for him!

It's said that women suffer when they do test tubes

Yan shiting did not expect Cheng yingxuan to test tube for him.

So before, he did not suspect that Xiaobao was born to him and Cheng yingxuan.


In addition to being moved, his heart was full of pain.

"You just said that there might be a few or a dozen of my sperm alive six years ago..." Yan shiting concluded, "that is to say, in my case, nearly six years ago, I still had the opportunity to use those living sperm as test tube babies to obtain their own biological children."

"Yes." Wei Ximing nodded, "but..."

Two words make Yan shiting's icy eyes sharp.

Wei Ximing trembled. As a doctor, he was also the attending doctor of fertility appointed by general manager Yan. Even if the next step would make Mr. Yan unhappy, he still had to say, "a man can shoot tens of millions to hundreds of millions of sperm at a time, even if you had a few or more alive six years ago The quality is quite poor. Even if it is used as a test tube, the possibility of forming an embryo is low. It may not be able to survive and develop in the mother. In other words, your sperm test tube five or six years ago, the success rate is too low to be possible. "

Yan shiting thought Xiaobao was his own son's agitation. He felt as if he had been poured a basin of cold water.

"No matter how low the success rate is, it is possible to succeed," he said angrily , the fastest update of the webnovel!