Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 736

"Well." He put the action of holding xiaobaoteng to the lightest.

Cheng yingxuan looks at him holding Xiaobao into the villa's straight back, inexplicably sad.

He is very kind to Xiao Bao.

If she can be sure, he treats Xiaobao as much as she does.


He has the right to know Xiaobao's existence.

Now, father and son meet each other every day, do not recognize each other.

Her heart is also sour, sour pain.

Last night, I indulged in excessive indulgence. I felt uncomfortable all day, but I could bear it.

Cheng yingxuan was a little tired. She went directly to the master bedroom on the third floor of the villa and took a bath first.

After changing his bathrobe, he saw Yan shiting lying on the bed of the master bedroom in his pajamas. It was obvious that he wanted to sleep with her!

Look at his slightly watery hair. He must have taken a bath in another bathroom.

In the past, she would try to drive him away.

Or, she goes to sleep in another room.


A heart is full of sour and astringent.

This room is the master bedroom of the villa. It was originally his bedroom.

She chose to take a bath here. In fact, she has been sleeping with him by default.

Without affectation, she lifted the quilt and lay down beside him.

Just lying down, he turned over with his eyes closed and pressed her under his body. His nose sniffed at her neck. "Cheng yingxuan, how sweet you are

"What's the smell?" "It's the smell of the shower gel," she said with a smile

"No He gave her a kiss on her skin. "It's natural. It's very light. It smells good."

She raised her arm and sniffed, "how can I not smell it?"

"Only your man can smell it." His kiss fell again.

She also let him, "Xiaobao settled down?"

"The little one is sleeping in the bedroom on the second floor. Now is not the time to talk... " Yan shiting sealed her lips with a kiss,

out of guilt, he loved her, not only did not resist, but also tried to cooperate.

A beautiful room.

The sound of the bed in the middle of the night

At three o'clock in the second half of the night, Cheng yingxuan was already tired and fell asleep.

Yan shiting, who is completely satisfied, holds Cheng yingxuan.

Her head was leaning against his arm, and he looked down at her beautiful, sweaty sleeping face, and her deep eyes were full of love.

How much he loved this woman.

Love her beauty, love her sometimes innocent, sometimes cheerful, sometimes capable Even love her, always like to fight against him.

As long as it's her, he loves it.

He couldn't have been without her.

Tonight, he was surprised by her meekness and loved her obedience even more.

Of course, he as a man, especially love her crazy man

He knew that she was upset by him last night, and he still didn't let her go tonight.

Because too much love her!

Staring at her sleeping face for a long time is not tired.

I don't know how long, put in the bedside table of the mobile phone vibrated.

He glanced at the time. It was four o'clock in the morning.

I stare at her for another hour.

Mobile phone vibration is a message.

Ordinary people don't send messages to him so late, and no one has the courage to disturb his dream.


It's from him.

Yan shiting free a hand to hold the mobile phone, click open the text message, the above written five words: the result came out.

He gently pulled out the other arm of Cheng yingxuan's pillow, got out of bed, gently closed the door, walked through a small section of corridor and entered the study.

Cheng yingxuan, who had been sleeping soundly, opened her eyes immediately after he went out, got up and followed him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!