Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 737

In the study, Yan shiting sent a video phone according to the number sent by SMS.

Soon, the other side picked up, "boss, the results come out."

The door of the study was not closed. Cheng yingxuan stood outside the door, her back against the wall, listening.

Hearing the male voice in the video, her heart almost didn't jump out.

When did Yan shiting take Xiaobao's hair for re identification?

Yan shiting went to the study to call back after seeing the message. At 4:00 in the morning, he called back

It shows how eager he is to know the result.

She was not afraid of where he got up in such a deep night, and what other women's calls were.

I don't know why, but I don't doubt what he has with other women.

She didn't think he would.

"Say it." Yan shiting's cold voice is simple and powerful.

"You asked Zheng Wei to send three pieces of hair to identify with your hair, and the result is still no blood relationship." The voice of the man in the video is a little trembling, for fear that when boss will burst into anger, he will be innocent.

"Are these three hairs the same as Xiaobao's hair sent for identification last time?"

"Report back to boss. It has been identified. It's not the same person."

"Well, I see." Yan shiting turned off the video call, and his eyes were thoughtful.

The three hairs were found on the bed on the second floor of Xiaobao's bedroom. The sheets and bedding were only Xiaobao's.

The last time Xiaobao's hair was sent to the hospital for identification. In front of the hospital bed, Cheng yingxuan pulled out Xiaobao's head in front of him.

Two hair, actually not the same person.

In other words, the two paternity tests were not Cheng Xiaobao's hair.

How could it be related to Yan shiting?

Yan shiting coldly raised the corner of his lips, and his voice seemed to whisper, "Cheng yingxuan, do you think it's fun to play me like this? Can you afford to play with me? "

Cheng yingxuan, eavesdropping outside the door, was in the air.

She had long suspected that Yan shiting didn't believe the result of the last paternity test in Jiasheng hospital.

Earlier, she saw Zheng Wei go out with her own eyes, basically with her three hair to identify again.

What she heard just now confirmed her conjecture.

As expected, Yan shiting reevaluated, but he already knew that the second appraisal was not Xiaobao's hair.

And then She exposed the hair that had been identified twice by her.

Did he just whisper to himself, or did he know that she was eavesdropping outside the door and talking to her?

Cheng yingxuan was so nervous that her heart almost jumped out of her throat.


Think of her, Cheng yingxuan, who was the "angel of hell" who made black and white lose their faces when hearing the wind!

Who was she afraid of?

Now you are afraid of Yan shiting?

Be conscious of It's not fear, it's care.

All sounds are quiet. The study is quiet.

The corridor was so quiet that you could hear breathing.

Cheng yingxuan is considering whether to jump out and admit his mistake

Voluntarily admit that she shouldn't have done twice the hair that doesn't belong to Xiaobao, and go to identify with him?

He just said

She can't afford to play with him.

She found that the killer who used to be bombarded by Niu B was useless People who make mistakes In front of the men who care, it is destined to cry without tears.

There was a sound of moving chairs in the study.

Knowing that Yan shiting got up and grabbed people, she suddenly took three and two steps and ran back to the master bedroom.

Looking at the window, ready to jump out of the window

If you catch it, you'll get worse.

Forget it. Don't run. , the fastest update of the webnovel!