Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 735

It's a pity that Xuanxuan may not be able to marry into the Yan family.

If you want to recognize him again, you can't let Xuanxuan suffer any injustice.

Cheng yingxuan knocked on the door of the box. The door was not locked. She pushed it open. "What's the matter? I want to close the door of the box

She could not guess that Yan shiting asked Xiao Bao about his life experience.

I believe Xiaobao has a sense of propriety.

Yan shiting pursed the corner of his lips and did not answer.

Xiao Bao agreed to let him be his stepfather, and his low mood was better.

Seeing Yan shiting's loneliness, Cheng yingxuan knows that the secret has not gone through the gang.

She would have been relieved if it had been the same.


I don't know if it's because Xiaobao cried a lot, or if she cares more and more about Yan shiting and sees him lonely.

Her heart is very sad and tight

Maybe this secret is Xiaobao's concealment. She can't resist it for long.

"Uncle Yan just whispered to me. It has nothing to do with you. Don't be curious." Xiao Bao's words are very skillful, and have nothing to do with her

Cheng yingxuan heard that Xiaobao was not helping. She changed the topic. "I went to the bathroom just now, and I saw that all the tables in the open air were gone."

"I know!" Xiaobao raised his hand eagerly, "Uncle Yan has chartered the venue!"

"Xiao Bao is so smart." Yan shiting was in a mood of five flavors, and Chen Fudi stroked Xiaobao's head, which was regarded as a tacit agreement.

Standing at the door, Zheng Wei said, "the boss will be cleared. It's just that you didn't notice in the box. "

The transparent glass box can see the guests outside, but Cheng yingxuan's mother and son's seat is facing the window. Looking out of the window, you can see high-rise buildings and city scenery.

"The restaurant environment is not bad." Yan shiting said, "have dinner here and go back to the villa."

"No problem." Cheng yingxuan nods.

"There is no one outside. Shall we go to the open air seat?" Cheng Xiaobao mumbled, "sitting in the box with my mother for an afternoon, it's better to sit in the open air."

"Good." Yan shiting nodded slightly, Jun Yan glanced at Cheng Xiaobao's eyes, unconsciously filled with a touch of doting.

The three changed to a table on the roof near the glass fence.

Cheng Xiaobao and Cheng yingxuan sit on one side, while Yan shiting sits across the table.

On the open roof, the breeze is gentle.

A gust of wind blowing, refreshing.

The sun sets in the west, and the sky is full of red clouds. The shape is changeable, like flocks of Cotton sheep. For a moment, it looks like a girl half smeared with rouge. Under the afterglow of the sunset, the tall buildings are covered with a thin layer of red light, full of wonderful and mysterious colors.

Beautiful rooftop scenery, accompanied by a gentle breeze, two big and one small three people have a warm and happy dinner.

Zheng Wei, housekeeper Zhang Lixin, and several bodyguards were standing by.

After dinner, Cheng yingxuan and her son took Yan shiting's RV back to the villa, while her own car let the housekeeper Zhang Lixin drive back.

The RV was driven by Zheng Wei, and Zhang Lixin was asked to drive it for him because he was sent by boss to handle affairs.

As long as Zheng Wei is there, he usually drives.

From the rearview mirror, Xiao Bao is asleep in the back seat Cheng yingxuan's arms. Zheng Wei drives the car slowly.

The car was parked in the parking space on the ground of the villa.

Cheng yingxuan wants to get out of the car with Xiao Bao in her arms.

Yan shiting took the treasure in her arms. "I'll hold it. The little guy is still a little heavy for you."

In the face of his consideration, Cheng yingxuan also did not refuse, "easy, don't wake Xiaobao." , the fastest update of the webnovel!