Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 731

"What's the point of killing her?" The corner of his lip draws bloodthirsty smile mark, "let her live is not like death, is really long memory."

"What does the young master mean?"

"Isn't Cheng angqi taken to the hospital? For a reason, give her an operation to remove her uterus The attitude of light clouds and gentle breeze, the tone of voice is not much waves.

It was the most cruel thing to say.

Zhang Lixin's heart trembled, and he quickly responded, "yes."

After thinking for a while, he asked, "young master, the attitude of Cheng Anqi just now, the media will certainly scribble about it. Do you want to close the news?"

"No He frowned and thought. "It's up to them to scribble."

Cheng Anqi tells Cheng yingxuan of her blackness and tells her that Xiaobao is not his son. He doesn't believe her either!

Xiaobao's life experience should be obtained from the next real paternity test results.

He trusts Cheng yingxuan so much, can she give the same trust?

"Drive, go to" hot "to find Cheng yingxuan and her son." Lengsen's order.

Zhang Lixin started the car immediately.


In a hospital, Cheng angqi was pushed all the way into the operating room.

In the operating room, I don't know who put a needle in her body. Cheng Anqi, who had been pretending to be faint, really fainted.

A man in a mask and a white coat precisely cuts her belly, takes out her uterus, and stitches the blade

And this process, Cheng angqi did not feel at all.


The top floor of blue sky building is a "hot" outdoor restaurant.

Cheng yingxuan and Cheng Xiaobao sat in the glass box for an afternoon.

Yan shiting sent his bodyguards who did not know where to get the membership card. He also went into the restaurant and sat waiting at the table in the open air.

It's almost time for dinner. Cheng yingxuan is going back to the villa for dinner. Just about to take Xiaobao away, she suddenly sees Yan shiting coming to her place under the guidance of one of the bodyguards.

The bodyguard accurately opened the glass box door, and Yan shiting came in with a straight suit.

He is 1.87 meters tall, a well cut, well-made handmade brand-name suit.

A pair of lacquer as sharp as Obsidian eyes flash the divine color of despising all things, the cold and resolute face has no expression, and the cold and noble momentum is natural, which makes people even look at them with admiration and fear!

As soon as he came in, the temperature in the whole box seemed to drop several degrees.

Cheng yingxuan suddenly felt a little cold.

The cold air of the air conditioner can cool down the temperature. What he has in his aura is the cold in his heart.

Such a man, I'm afraid no one dares to get close to him.

Yan shiting's icy eyes first fell on Cheng yingxuan and then glanced at Cheng Xiaobao beside her.

His resolute face is expressionless, which makes people unable to see what they think.

Cheng Xiaobao's pupil is fixed on Yan shiting.

He looks high and noble!

I have never imagined the appearance of my father many times. I have painted many portraits of my father with various figures

It's all blank, no faces.

Because I don't know what my father looks like.

After knowing Yan shiting, Xiaobao once dreamed that he was his father. When he said that he also dreamed that he was his son.

Xiao Bao gradually imagined Yan shiting as his father.

I didn't expect Yan shiting to be a real father!

I know this from my mother before, but I don't think it's anything.

Once again, and for the first time, after knowing that Yan shiting was his father, Xiaobao was inexplicably excited, filled with emotion and sad , the fastest update of the webnovel!