Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 732

I'm so happy to have such an excellent father.

Before Xuanxuan knew uncle Yan, she met uncle Yan first It's the relationship between father and son.


Even if he knew he was his father, he could not be recognized.

Yan shiting is curious why the little guy is staring at himself strangely.

That stubborn and lovely face, eyes of water bone Lu, emotion complex, he this adult is difficult to understand.

Are kids so precocious now?

Think of Xiaobao has 200 IQ, think of things more mature than ordinary children.

"Uncle Yan!" Cheng Xiaobao suddenly ran towards him, holding his thigh in his small hands.

Cheng yingxuan also noticed her son's complicated eyes, and her heart all mentioned her voice.

Xiaobao himself advised her not to tell Yan shiting about Xiaobao's life experience.

Is it that the little guy can't help speaking when he sees Yan himself?

Don't you believe the child's words?

She thought about it, but she didn't think it would.

Although his son was young, he was very reasonable and committed.

Another angle, if the son really wants to tell the secret of his life experience, she can't stop him.

I don't even want to stop.

It's just that she can't rob Yan shiting of Xiaobao's custody Even the Yan family.

She didn't know what she was going to do

Let it be.

Only know that you can't lose Xiaobao.

Yan shiting felt the little guy's little arm tightened, and his mood seemed very excited.

Yan shiting had a strange feeling in his heart. He squatted down and picked up Xiaobao's small body. His voice was full of concern and asked, "what's the matter with you, little guy?"

Looking at his caring eyes, Cheng Xiaobao suddenly felt very kind.

He sniffed, "Uncle Yan I... "

Cheng yingxuan grabs the tea cup in her hand and tries hard at her knuckles. She is afraid that Xiaobao will tell the secret

What she will face

Yan shiting's eagle eyes locked Xiaobao's handsome and tearful expression, and suddenly asked, "who is angry with you? I'll get it back a hundred times for you

Xiaobao's liver was warm, and he thought it was good to have a father. "If my mother gets angry with me, what do you do?"

"I also help you punish Cheng yingxuan, so that she does not dare to bully you again." He took a cold glance at Cheng yingxuan's beautiful face, but he could only punish her in bed and let her know that she was afraid!

Cheng Xiaobao was deeply moved. "No, Xuanxuan didn't get angry with me."

Yan shiting held the buttocks and waist of xiaojiashou with one hand, and let his little butt sit on his arm. He gently stroked his white cheek with one hand. He had little patience, "what's the matter with you?"

"I miss you!" Cheng Xiaobao suddenly burst into tears, big as beans.

I've been thinking about it for almost five years.

When I was a baby, I didn't know if I wanted to. Anyway, since I had memory, I wanted to think so much!

Although I don't know who my father is, I just miss you!

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Why do you miss me so much?" Yan shiting was at a loss for a moment and raised his hand to wipe his tears. He didn't know that the tears of the little guy were more and more wiped off. "Don't cry, Xiaobao. If you miss me so much, I can take you to where I go." After thinking about it, he added, "in addition to sleeping time, it's for your mother."

Cheng yingxuan knows that Xiaobao doesn't mean thinking about him for half a day, but that he has been thinking about his father for so many years.

She remembered that Xiao Bao often drew portraits of her father, who never had facial features.

A touch of guilt grew from her heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!