Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 730

Then he closed his eyes and leaned over one of the reporters. These two lines of tears are the answer to the reporter.

At that time, it will be speculated by the media that Cheng yingxuan can't accommodate her baby!

"Miss Cheng, Miss Cheng!" In the chaos, someone hit 120


After Cheng Anqi runs out of the villa, Yan shiting just wants to go out.

There are several super luxury cars in the garage.

He picked a limousine and sat in the back seat.

Zheng Wei, the driver and bodyguard, was sent out by him. Zhang Lixin, the housekeeper, drove the RV out of the villa.

Seeing that the road outside the villa was so busy, he ordered to stop.

The car from Yan's villa is not necessarily Yan shiting's.

Because sometimes, there are some business partners and political dignitaries with deep qualifications who will visit Yan's family. Maybe it's that kind of car.

The media are paying attention to Angela Cheng, and no one is paying attention to the extended luxury RV parked across the road.

When seeing Cheng Anqi pretending to be dizzy, she was sent to the hospital by the reporter

Zhang Lixin said discontentedly, "young master, you didn't wear half a mask on the first day today. All the servants, bodyguards, Miss Cheng's mother and son, and your mother have seen your face. Say your left face is as handsome as your right face. What's the big news? Yan's servants didn't tell the public about your appearance. She just picked up a bargain by chance. If you go out and be seen by others, outsiders will naturally know that your face has returned to normal. She's just lucky. She's a real blockbuster! The media misunderstood how close she is to you. "

Yan shiting raised a sneer at the corner of his lips, "Cheng angqi, that woman really wants to get involved with me."

"Which woman doesn't want to gossip with you, but she doesn't have the chance." Six years ago, the identity of the heir of the Yan family was not revealed. His then fiancee, Luo Mengna, broke up with the young master after he was disfigured and transferred to Yan Kai's arms.

Later, Luo Mengna knew that the young master was the successor of the Yan family. She regretted that she had been chasing the young master for nearly six years and could not get close to him.

A few months ago, Romona died.

The only woman who had an affair with the young master was Cheng yingxuan.

Zhang Lixin said indignantly, "the reporter also asked Cheng angqi if she was pregnant with your child? She's worthy of that bitch? Cheng angqi did not deny the reporter's guess, but also shed two lines of tears, although not explicitly admitted, but also implied the meaning of default. She wants to ruin your reputation! Do you want your subordinates to clean up Cheng angqi? "

Yan shiting is regarded as president of Yan Luo in the industry, and his style of conduct is unpredictable.

He doesn't care about fame at all.

But also does not allow a bitch Hu Zou to say that he is pregnant with his child!

Even if he has no fertility, even if he has, only Cheng yingxuan is qualified to give birth to Yan shiting's children.

Cheng angqi, what kind of a bitch is that!

"What do you think you should do with her?" Yan shiting's face did not show joy and anger.

Zhang Lixin has been following Yan shiting for many years. He is more or less aware of the young master's temperament. "If she dares to falsely claim to be pregnant with your child in front of the media, she will die. Just let the media misunderstand by default... " Beat her up and cripple her

Words have not yet been exported, Yan shiting's expression is sinister, "the crime adds one more class!"

Zhang Lixin was stunned for a moment, and then reacted. The young master meant that Cheng Anqi's default behavior of letting the media misunderstand him become more serious, "yes, my subordinates will send someone to finish her..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!