Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 729

"Ah..." A reporter recognized, "are you not miss Cheng Anqi, chairman of anlon enterprise? Your father is in prison for a commercial crime, and your mother is in prison for selling his adopted daughter. You, a famous bankrupt, are pregnant with the child of general manager Yan, and you are on your way to heaven. You are not even more brilliant than your Cheng family used to be. What do you think of it? "

"Miss Cheng Anqi, how did you hook up with Mr. Yan..."

One problem after another, Cheng angqi was thrown, and no one noticed that her neck twisted.

Her delicate make-up has long been spoiled by her nose and tears. On the way out of the villa, she wiped it all the way with her sleeves, and her makeup was pasted on her face

There was no time in her life that was worse or worse than now.

Hate from the bottom of my heart, hate Cheng yingxuan will harm her to this point, hate Yan shiting did not give her a chance!

She wants to destroy. She wants Cheng yingxuan and Yan shiting never to be happy!

The media misunderstood that she was pregnant with Yan shiting's child, and she really wanted to follow her words.


When I think of Yan shiting's cold eyes like ghosts

She was afraid that if she lied to the camera that she was pregnant with Yan Family's seed, she would not see the sun tomorrow.

But the media misunderstood it, and she never wanted to explain it. It was in her favor.

The women Yan shiting has slept with are more interested in men. If other men sleep again, her price will be much higher.

The heart turned a circle, with a worry, "tissue Tissue... "

She squatted with her head down between her legs, trying to keep her face from being photographed with her makeup and tears.

"Miss Cheng, what do you say?" The scene is too noisy, a reporter asked.

"Who has a tissue?" She asked.

A female reporter close to her heard her and handed her a packet of napkins.

Cheng Anqi wiped her face with a paper towel and pinched her sprained neck with her hands. Her teeth trembled with pain.

It is estimated that everyone knows that it is too noisy, but she can not return the problem, and the scene is quiet.

After a few minutes, Cheng Anqi stood up trembling with the tree trunk, slightly tilted her neck and said, "Dear journalists, I was running too fast just now. I fell on the ground carelessly and sprained my neck."

"My previous question..." When a reporter was about to ask, she interrupted, "I'm hurt I can't answer so many questions. But I can tell you a lot of news! "

"What's the news?" Immediately several reporters scrambled to ask.

"Yan shiting's face is as handsome as his right face." Because of neck pain, angel's smile is very pale, in front of the camera appears pitiful.

"What a great news! The big and young of Mu family said that Mr. Yan's cosmetic surgery failed. The news you disclosed really made Mu Shao slap in the face. " Immediately a reporter came interested, "Miss Cheng angel, how do you know that Yan is not disfigured? Mr. Yan always wears a mask on his left face, which is mysterious. No one knows what his left face looks like. You know it because he has a special relationship with President Yan? "

"You vomited just now. Are you pregnant with Mr. Yan's child? Please answer

Cheng angqi also wants to die, of course, dare not pretend to answer yes, as long as she doesn't say anything, the media will naturally write.

At that time, the news that she was pregnant with Yan shiting's child must be flying all over the world.

Media scribble, can't be controlled by her Cheng angel.

She shed two lines of sad tears, "I am injured, please take me to the hospital first..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!