Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 600

Xiaobao touched his chin with his little hand. "Well, I don't want to cheat uncle Yan. Do you want the truth or the lie? "


"The truth is that you are as handsome as Uncle Mu when your face is cured. There is no lie, because children don't want to cheat adults. I haven't made up a lie to cheat you yet."

"Little one!" Yan shiting fondly reached out and patted Xiaobao's calf.

That night, the family of three had a very harmonious dinner. When they went to bed at night, Cheng Xiaobao still slept in the middle of the master bedroom, with Cheng yingxuan on one side and Yan shiting on the other.

At the end of the night, Cheng Xiaobao had a dream. He whispered a few words in the dream.

Yan shiting had a shallow sleep. He looked down at his uneasy little body in his arms and stretched out his hand to encircle Xiaobao. He really had a feeling of holding his son.

"Dad..." Cheng Xiaobao closed his eyes, and his tender voice suddenly called out.

Yan shiting's body was stiff. His father seemed to be calling him.

As cold as ten thousand years old, the heart of a glacier dissolves like solar ice and snow.

The little guy's father seemed to seep his soul through his heart.

Holding Cheng Xiaobao's strength, he can't help but step up.

For the first time, Cheng yingxuan also sleeps beside her. His mind is attracted by Xiaobao in her arms.

Side sleep low head, looking at the arms of the small body, small tender face, his heart strange soft.

All of a sudden, he thought that his son was not born to him.

"Dad..." The little guy closed his eyes and was sleeping soundly. He whispered again, obviously talking in his sleep.

Knowing that it was nonsense, Yan shiting was still very moved after hearing it, and his blood was boiling with resonance.

He really wants Xiaobao to be his son.

"Dad Don't leave... " Cheng Xiaobao didn't know what he had dreamt of. He frowned and his tone became more urgent.

"I'm not going." Yan shiting gently whispered, big palm gently stroking the back of the little guy, "sleep."

The deep and gentle voice is like a reassuring pill. Xiao Bao, who is not very stable in his sleep, stretches his eyebrows and breathes evenly and lightly.

Cheng yingxuan sleeps on one side. When she hears her son calling "Dad", her heart almost jumps out of her chest.

Seeing that her son didn't wake up, she was talking in his sleep, and she was a little relieved.

In the dark, she saw Yan shiting's bright eyes staring at Xiao Bao's eyes, especially gentle love.

She felt uneasy on the one hand, and felt that the blood relationship was really a wonderful concern, and she was constantly beheaded.

Yan shiting stretched out his long arm and put Cheng yingxuan's body in his arms, holding one big and one small, and fell asleep contentedly.

The next morning, Cheng Xiaobao wakes up and opens his eyes. First, he touches something hard.

White little five fingers spread out to touch, flat, hot, as hard as stone, tender voice puzzled grunt, "Mom, how did your breasts flat?"

Cheng yingxuan's voice came from behind him, "what you touch is Yan shiting's Mimi."

Cheng Xiaobao's drowsiness just ran away. What was flat just now was Yan shiting's chest. "It's uncle Yan."

Yan shiting wakes up before the little guy has an action, raises his hand and points his little nose, "who else but me?" As if thinking of what, tiny narrow eyes, "you also sleep with Mu Yu Feng at night?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!