Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 601

"No more." Cheng Xiaobao shook his head, "I don't know uncle Mu so well."

Yan shiting's cold face softened his expression.

Xiaobao looked at his left cheek without a mask, "Uncle Yan, you are not wearing a mask."

There was an unnatural flash in his face.

"There's nothing to wear. It's not scary." Cheng Xiaobao's tender face floated a lovely smile, "compared with the horror film, uncle Yan's face is much better."

Compare him to a horror movie? Yan shiting's face turned black instantly, "that is to say, my left face is still frightening?"

"No more." Xiaobao doesn't bother with this, "Uncle Yan becomes beautiful after finishing his face. On the news, there are a lot of women who have turned ugly into swans

Yan shiting sat up, with his back against the head of the bed, and took Xiaobao's small body in his arms. "How can a man describe it with beauty? You can't use words indiscriminately."

When it comes to the misuse of words, he can't help but think of the woman who lived nearly six years ago. The dead woman also likes to use words indiscriminately.

How can Xiao Bao's problems be like her?

Even Cheng yingxuan has this problem.

His sharp eyes fall on Cheng yingxuan's face. She just wakes up. Her eyes are dim, and she has a kind of lazy charm.

The eyes are heavy.

Inexplicably, he overlapped her figure with the woman in his mind.

There was an illusion in a moment that she was the woman nearly six years ago!

This thought made his heart tremble.

Cheng yingxuan touched his deep and thoughtful eyes, and the sharp eyes seemed to have a kind of penetrating sharpness.

She always felt that there was a secret that seemed to be seen through, hanging with a heart like countless buckets swinging.

"My mom learned from my dad when she said she was using words." The little guy thought for a moment and said, "if Uncle Yan thinks there is a problem, you can go underground to find my father."

Yan shiting's eyes were bright and sharp. He didn't refute his words. His eyes were still full of softness. "Xiaobao, you called me 'dad' last night."

"I dreamt about my father last night. Uncle Yan, I'll tell you something secretly. " The little guy recalled it carefully and whispered a few words in Yan shiting's ear. Yan shiting's lip corners made a rare smile mark.

Cheng yingxuan is listening with long ears, because the voice is really small, she can't hear what Xiaobao said, "what is so happy to say?"

"Secret." Two words escaped from Yan shiting's lips, and his face was filled with joy that was hard to hide.

"Tell me." She was curious.

I always feel that Yan shiting seems to have guessed something. Her heart is as uneasy as being caught by a cat.

I dare not ask.

He was too clever. If he didn't guess it, she would not be carrying a stone to hit his own feet at the hint of her?

"That's not a secret." Yan shiting stroked Xiaobao's head with a big hand, "don't tell your mother. Otherwise... " He also said a few words beside Xiao Bao's ear.

Cheng yingxuan's ears were longer than the rabbit's, but she couldn't hear a word.

Cheng Xiaobao, the ghost spirit, actually nodded his head honestly.

"It's too much fun for you two!" She cried out a little depressed, "if you don't tell me something, don't eat breakfast this morning!"

"No eating, no eating." Yan shiting looked at her angry appearance and thought that she was very eye-catching, and her eyes were full of silent indulgence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!