Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 599

Cheng Xiaobao's eyes filled with tears, delicate face full of concern, "Uncle Yan, how can your face be so seriously injured? It hurts

Yan shiting didn't expect that the little guy didn't have the expression of fear at all. Instead, he looked very distressed. A warm current flashed through his cold heart. "It's OK. It's all over."

Cheng Xiaobao's small body is standing on his thigh, and his small mouth is close to his incomplete left face. He toots his small mouth and breathes, "Xiao Bao, you can breathe, and it will not hurt."

Yan shiting's heart was moved and filled with, "well, no pain."

Cheng yingxuan leans against the wall of the dining room and looks at the interaction between father and son on the sofa in the big living room. She can see the mist in Yan shiting's lacquered pupil. It seems that Xiaobao really makes this man moved.

She was also worried that her son would be scared. She didn't expect such a move.

"Cheng yingxuan, you really have a good son." Yan shiting and Qirui glanced at her with moving eyes. It was absolutely praise, not irony.

That's because he's your son, too. Maybe it's father and son, Xiaobao just loves him so much. Cheng yingxuan thought silently in her heart and felt guilty. She could not express it temporarily. She nodded silently, "well."

Yan shiting hugs Xiaobao's small body in his arms and kisses him fiercely on his tender face. The factor of moving becomes bigger and bigger in his chest. His love for Xiaobao that he doesn't know why makes him want to hurt the little guy in his heart.

Cheng Xiaobao also obediently let him kiss, but also his incomplete left face full of scars also kiss, leaving a wet mouth watermark on his face.

Yan shiting has a very heavy habit of cleanliness. If he gets wet with saliva on his face as usual, it is something he can't tolerate. Now he is filled with warmth and feels that his family is really lovely to the extreme.

He loved the little guy's mouth watermark on his face.

He had a deep illusion that he was really defeated by the mother and son.

The big ones are goblins, the little ones are elves.

His cold and deep eyes fell on Cheng yingxuan's face, and he looked down at Cheng Xiaobao, who was extremely lovely in his arms. There was a feeling of love in his heart. He was willing to protect and protect the mother and son all his life.

"Uncle Yan..." The little guy looked at him timidly with his big bright eyes.

"Well?" There was a fatherly affection in his voice that he did not even know.

"I said just now that you failed in cosmetic surgery, you can take it back..."

Yan shiting was dumbfounded and said, "yes."

"Really." The little guy was very happy, "Uncle Yan's right face is so handsome. When you turn your left face back to your right face, you will be more handsome."

"More handsome?" Thick black eyebrows picked out, "that is to say, you think I am very handsome now?"

"I think so." Cheng Xiaobao quietly looked at his incomplete left face, "your face has been so badly injured, I will not carry it with you today."

He couldn't help kissing Xiaobao's tender face again, and tolerated the little guy's meaning of carrying it another day. "When I have cured my left face, is it more handsome than muyufeng?"

Cheng Xiaobao thought, "I don't know..."

Yan shiting's happy mood sank. "Do you still need to think about this question?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!