Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 587

Yan shiting seemed more stable than a mountain. He sat there, and Cheng yingxuan couldn't pull his arm.

Instead, he caught her around the wrist and pulled her into his wide arms.

"So eager to throw myself in my arms?" His low, hoarse voice rang over her head.

She supported his thigh and wanted to get up. He put an iron arm around her and held her in his arms. "Don't move. Let me hold it for a while..."

"You She looked at him angrily, as if to tear him apart.

His heavy eyes filled with spoiled weak, a little does not care about her anger, "we get along well."

"Yan shiting, if you want to be shameless, your servants are still standing here!" She was forced to sit on his lap, blushing with shame.

"Not yet?" Yan shiting winked at the male servant.

The maid left in a hurry.

He put one hand into her lapel, one hand pressed her back, and pressed her into his arms, "Cheng yingxuan, don't refuse me any more Because if you refuse, it won't work. "

Her breath was short, and his eyes were burning. He pinched her with his hand, which made her feel really like "you see, your breath is accelerating. Is it emotional?"

"Love a ghost!" She killed scenery and said, "you bandit, bandit, I am angry!"

Her angry little appearance is really more and more lovely, his chest vibrates joyful laughter, hugs her to spin a body, laid her body on the sofa, his heavy body pressed her, "you little cute, let you see what is a real bandit, bandit!"

After that, she directly kisses her bright red mouth. She wants to speak, but it is blocked in his lips.

His tongue reached into her teeth to explore, and took the sweet fragrance from her lips.

She was so dizzy by his kiss that she hammered him on the back at first, and slowly, she didn't resist.

I don't know why, it's the lack of men for a long time in the past six years, and she can't control her emotion

"Uncle Yan and Xuanxuan, what are you doing Cheng Xiaobao did not know when to squat on the edge of the sand hair, a childish face on the lips of two people, water bone Lu eyes full of curiosity.

Yan shiting and Cheng yingxuan were stiff at the same time. He moved away from her lips and sat up. He was a little embarrassed and said, "your mother's eyes are in the sand. I'll blow for her."

"What an old-fashioned excuse." Cheng Xiaobao hummed, "the living room floor is very smooth, where is the sand?"

"It's sand blown in from outside."

"Uncle Yan is ashamed to lie!" Xiaobao held out his index finger and pointed to his masked right face. "I saw you eating my mother's mouth."

“……” He was speechless.

"Delicious?" Xiao Bao is very curious.

"Delicious." Yan shiting didn't lie. He was sweet. His taste was so sweet that his lower body was hard.

"Then I'll eat my mother's mouth, too." Cheng Xiaobao just wanted to kiss Cheng yingxuan. Yan shiting grabbed his small body into his arms. "No, it's mine!"

"Hum!" Cheng Xiaobao said haughtily, "I had breast milk for a few months when I was a child. My mother's breasts are mine!"

Yan shiting's heart rose with jealousy. The two big circles were his. He cast a threatening look at the little guy in his arms, "I'll be back later!"

"No way." Cheng Xiaobao argued, "first come, then come, my mother is mine! I warn you, if you dare to eat my mother's mouth, I will eat your mouth! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!