Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 586

His tall figure approached her, thumped her against the wall, lowered his voice in her ear and said, "I don't want to occupy your house, I just want to occupy your body..."

From her beautiful white cheek, the gloomy eyes swept down her high chest. Her slender waist and slender legs finally fell between her legs. "Cheng yingxuan, we haven't done it for several days I want you... "

It was almost only her voice that she could hear, which made her bones crisp.

Xiaobao is a little tired, first step into the bedroom, the male servant is standing at the door.

Cheng yingxuan's face turned red. She reached out and tried to push away his tall and strong body. His body was as strong as a mountain. She had to face the tiger and say, "get out of the way!"

He bowed his head and sucked her tender lips and said, "it tastes so sweet."

She hurled her eye knife at him angrily.

Not only was he not angry, but he had a pleasant curve on the corner of his lips and a low, hoarse laugh.

As soon as she bent over and got out of his armpit, she walked into the door a little embarrassed.

The male servant took over Cheng yingxuan's suitcase in Yan shiting's hand and went into the room to put it in order. After sorting out the luggage, he made a pot of tea and cut a plate of fruit.

Cheng yingxuan slips around the kitchen. She remembers that there was no tea or fruit in the house before.

Aunt Wang, the nanny of her family, also had a holiday.

There are all kinds of food in the refrigerator. It must be bought by Yan shiting.

I really think this is his home!

When she went to the bedroom, what was more irritating was that Yan shiting's clothes were neatly hung in the cabinet. When she went to the living room, she saw Yan shiting sitting on the sofa enjoying tea. "Yan shiting, what do you mean?"

He took out a box of cigars from his pocket, lit one and took a puff. The curly ring of smoke wafted in the living room. "Still, this is my home."

The cold male voice has an irresistible domineering voice, and a word declares sovereignty.

She gritted her teeth and stressed, "this is my family, not yours!"

"Even you are mine. Are you so clear?" Looking at her excited small appearance, a wisp of narrow smile flashed through his sharp eyes.

She picked up a small cactus on the TV cabinet ready to smash it at him.

He sat as steady as a mountain, without the slightest fear of her smashing.

She also raised a gesture, staring at the potted plant for a second. This is a cactus planted by Xiaobao of her family. Don't destroy her son's goods.

"Yan shiting's face, like the face of a thief, couldn't help laughing at him.

Yan shiting's scalp was numb by her strange eyes. How could she feel that she was imagining things that were harmful to him?

"Cheng yingxuan, what are you thinking?" He squinted slightly.

She held back her smile and put the cactus back on the TV cabinet. "It's nothing. You've come to my house to be a guest. You can go."

He didn't hear it.

She came up to him, grabbed his arm and tried to drag him out

The male servant stood aside, bowed slightly, sweating for her in his heart. It was her honor that the young master would live here. She also drove people

If you dare to do this to the young master, it is the road of suicide. He hesitates to remind him.

It has been heard that the young master dotes on Cheng yingxuan for a long time, but he doesn't mind his own business. , the fastest update of the webnovel!