Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 588

“……” Yan shiting was speechless for a moment, and his cold face was silent. This son of a bitch! Do you want to make people laugh and cry?

Cheng yingxuan took Xiaobao's small body from Yan shiting's arms and gave him a kiss on his tender face, "son, you are so lovely."

"Mom is cute, too." Xiaobao also gave her a kiss on the face.

Yan shiting watched the mother and son interact with each other, and a glimmer of unknown light flashed through his gloomy eyes.

Suddenly, I felt that this scene was very warm, and a sense of satisfaction rose from his chest.

Cheng yingxuan side of the head, caught a glimpse of his gentle eyes, as if it was scalded like do not open face.

It can be seen that even if he didn't know Xiaobao was his son, he still loved Xiaobao sincerely.

In the evening, Xiao Bao went back to his room to sleep.

Cheng yingxuan made the quilt for the second bedroom, went to the door of the room and said to Yan shiting, who was watching TV in the living room, "you sleep in this room."

He went to her side, grabbed her waist and walked into the room, "you accompany me."

She clapped his hand. "I'm not with you! You sleep on your own. "

His cold male voice was a little hoarse, "wife..."

Her bones to him called crisp, "who is your wife, don't shout."

"You." He put a big hand on her hip and said, "I'll marry you."

"I will not marry."

His face sank, "you have to marry if you don't marry!"

I've got all the cards.

"Hum." She snorted coldly and clapped open his dishonest hand. "Yan shiting, I'll tell you, you go back to your villa and don't disturb my clean life."

"No way." He simply knocked her up, went out of the door of the second bedroom, and went to the master bedroom, "I said, where you live, I will live. I can't get out of bed tonight

"You She glared at him.

Her angry eyes were shining in his eyes

I think it has a special flavor.

At the thought of her taking advantage of his sleep, even his incomplete left face was so lovingly licked

He was so excited that he felt that she had him in her heart.

He laid her body on the big bed in the master's bedroom, leaned over her and swam his big palm on her. "Cheng yingxuan, I want you, give it to me..."

She took his big hand and said, "can you stop pestering me and say that we are over, can you understand people?"

He raised his hand and took her little hand to his lips. "I said, I didn't agree to break up. You are my woman

She jerked back her hand and tried to get up. He pressed her back and kissed her lips.

"If you do this again, I will..." She couldn't bear it. She was ready to fight with him and beat him down!

Although she has seen him fight with Muyu maple, she may not have beaten him.

Cheng Xiaobao came into the room with a big cloth bear in his arms. He put the cloth bear, which was almost higher than him, on the bed. He climbed into the bed with his small body. He sat on Yan shiting's chest flexibly and leaned over. Before he had time to respond, his small mouth kissed Yan shiting's mouth.

Yan shiting's eyes suddenly widened, apparently stunned by Cheng Xiaobao's actions.

Cheng yingxuan is stunned. Xiaobao really kisses Yan shiting!


Yan shiting suddenly sat up, his cold face floating a touch of suspicious red, a bit depressed and a little embarrassed to hold Xiaobao's small body in his arms, "Stinky boy, what are you doing?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!