Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 583

"Yes." She nodded.

"I just came home," he said

She was indifferent if the water's eyes fell on his handsome face, "I'm sorry, Yan shiting depends on you these days."

Yan shiting's face was as black as charcoal, "I live here, it's enough for Mu's face."

"Yes." "Mu Yu Feng's face is ugly," you don't have to give this face. "

Mujia manor was occupied, he was bound, disgraced, this hatred, he will definitely return a hundred times!

Cheng Xiaobao pokes his head from the stairway and says, "Mom, I'm upstairs watching the game. Just now I saw that the people on the helicopter and the bodyguards in the yard were shooting at each other. They stopped fighting so soon? "

"No more. Clean up. I've disturbed uncle mu for so long. We're going back. " She looked at her son with satisfaction. This kind of scene, the little guy's face didn't change, he had courage.

"OK." Cheng Xiaobao turns and goes to the room to pack up.

Mu Yufeng is reluctant to give up. It is not easy for mu Yufeng to borrow Yan shiting to kidnap Xiaobao, and then let their mother and son live in the Mu family manor. Originally, he thought that he would get the moon first. Unexpectedly, even he himself was kidnapped. It is not safe here, "or, how many more days?"

"No, thank you for your kindness." She pursed her lips slightly.

Yan shiting tyrannically stretched out his arms and encircled her in his arms. "What do you say to him so much for?"

"I've known him for a long time. I'm a stranger to you." Alienated her attitude.

His face was somber, almost bursting out of his teeth, "stranger? Well, I've touched your body countless times. Does he have any intimacy with you and me

Mu Yufeng's face turned white, and Cheng yingxuan's face became ugly. "He didn't sleep with him before, which doesn't mean it's impossible in the future."

"Dare you This time, Yan shiting got angry and said, "I will never allow any man to touch you! Unless you want him to die! "

" Xuanxuan, don't be threatened by him, we are happy... " Mu Yufeng just wanted to go on. Cheng yingxuan waved a little tired. She didn't want to delay him, nor did she want him to be in danger. "Yu Feng, thank you for your care during this period of time. We are just friends."

Mu Yufeng's face was gloomy.

Hearing this, Yan shiting couldn't help but raise the corner of his lips.

"Mom, there are too many things. You come up and pack the boxes." Cheng Xiaobao walked to the stairs again.

"Well." She went upstairs, and Yan shiting followed her. "I'll come."

Mu Yufeng stood in the living room on the first floor, looking at the three people upstairs, two big and one small, really like a family of three.

He had a sense of disobedience that he couldn't get in.

Her eyes fell on Cheng yingxuan's back, graceful, delicate and beautiful. Her figure was deeply engraved into his heart.

No matter what, he will not give up her!

Because, she is his life!

In the room upstairs, Cheng yingxuan went to the cabinet and picked up the clothes hanging inside. Yan shiting took her hand and led her to the bed and sat down. "You sit down, I'll do it."

She wanted to refuse, and he had helped her to clean up.

Looking at his busy tall figure, a trace of complexity in her heart breeding.

After a while, the servants of the Yan family helped to carry her and Xiaobao's gifts away.

She quickly ordered, "put it in my own car."

The servant didn't dare to make any suggestions. He looked at Yan shiting.

He almost guessed that yingxuan would not go back to the villa with herself, but still nodded, "according to her meaning." , the fastest update of the webnovel!