Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 582

The bodyguard reports to Yan shiting, "boss, Mu Shao is in the room plane by helicopter. It seems that he is ready..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the helicopter put down the stairs, and Mu Yufeng jumped down from the last step of the stairs, and stood steadily in the yard, unhurt.

Under the moon, he is a gray leisure suit, white shoes, clean and neat hair, handsome face with a brilliant smile, very charming.

He walked into the living room, just to the door, several bodyguards pointed at him, "don't move!"

Mu Yufeng doesn't care about being pointed at by a gun. She smiles at Cheng yingxuan in the living room. "Xuanxuan, I haven't seen you for several days. I miss you

“……” Yan shiting's chisel like cold face turned black in an instant. His fist hit the tea table heavily, and his iron fist made a hole in the coffee table. It can be seen that the furious strength took the master's anger and ordered in a deep voice, "shoot!"

Point the gun at muyufeng's bodyguard and pull the trigger immediately. Mu Yufeng quickly turns around one of the bodyguards and uses the gun in his hand as the meat shield.

At the same time, several snipers from the helicopter in the air fired at the Yanjia bodyguard in Mujia manor.

"Blow down the helicopter!" Yan shiting ordered in a deep voice.

"Stop it all!" Cheng yingxuan's face changed.

Mu Yu Feng raised a gesture, the sniper in the air stopped shooting.

Seeing that Cheng yingxuan is green, Yan shiting also doesn't want to fight with Mu Yufeng. He also raises his hand to stop attacking.

At this time, several Yanjia bodyguards in the yard were seriously injured, and they were quickly taken away from the scene and replaced with new personnel quietly.

"Yan shiting, this is my family. I have the right to live." Mu Yufeng's purpose is very clear.

"Welcome home." Cheng yingxuan gave him a gentle smile.

"Thank you, Xuanxuan," said Mu Yu Feng

Yan shiting's face was black, and his eyes, which were more sharp than the knife, burst out at her. "Who made you laugh at him?"

"If you do this again, Cheng yingxuan will only be farther and farther away from you." Mu Yu Feng is a rare kind reminder.

Cheng yingxuan said in a hurry, "the house is so big that one more person is needed."

"Hum." Yan shiting's face was darker than the bottom of the pot. How could he live under the same roof with his rival in love? She pulled Cheng yingxuan aside, lowered her voice and said, "yingxuan, let's go back. The villa I gave Xiaobao next door is our home. "

"Said no

"You are my woman, how can you live in Mu Yufeng's house?"

"You can take over the magpie's nest, why can't I?"

"How is this the same? I didn't do it for you!

her delicate eyebrows curled slightly, "I don't live here, you always send someone to kidnap my treasure."

Mention this, he also has a bit of guilt in his heart, "I just want to force you to come back to me."

"I'm not a woman to intimidate." She gnashed her teeth.

He took the lead to soften his attitude, "I live in Mujia manor, disgusting. In this way, I won't kidnap Xiaobao any more, and you don't live here. "

"Don't tie my little treasure?" She stressed again that it was "her". It had nothing to do with Yan.


"Deal." She immediately called out to the upstairs, "Cheng Xiaobao, you lazy pig, come down quickly, we are going home!"

Mu Yufeng picked her eyebrows and quickly came over, "Xuanxuan, do you want to move away?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!