Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 584

The servant put the luggage in the trunk of the BMW SUV that Cheng yingxuan parked in the yard.

She got into the driver's seat, while Yan shiting carried Cheng Xiaobao into the passenger's seat.

Mu Yufeng stood beside the car, "Xuanxuan, are you really going like this?"

A pitiful look of a abandoned dog.

She finally asked, "are you all right after being tied up for a few days?"

"It's not good." He smiles bitterly.

She looked suspiciously at him. He looked very healthy. She said politely, "then you should have a good rest."

"With your words, I will." He showed a brilliant signboard smile, and even the moonlight was eclipsed.

Yan shiting thought that his left face was destroyed, and he was not happy to see his beautiful face. "Cheng yingxuan, you don't drive. It's midnight!"

"None of your business?" She glanced at him. "What are you doing in my car?"

"Drive." He had no expression.

Cheng yingxuan really drove away with one foot of gas.

Mu Yufeng looks at the disappearing SUV, and feels abandoned.

Six years ago, she disappeared into a sea of people.

Now, he would never allow her to be out of sight.

With Yan shiting's departure, Yan's bodyguards withdrew from Mujia manor, and new Mujia bodyguards entered.

"Somebody, clean up and move to jinghongyuan." Mu Yufeng's tone didn't fluctuate.

He believed that with Xuanxuan's character, she could not go to the villa next door with Yan shiting. She would go back to her own home.

His house in jinghongyuan is opposite her house.

Cheng yingxuan stopped at the gate of the villa next door, and motioned to Yan shiting, the co driver, "your home is here, you can get off."

"This is Xiaobao's house." He was indifferent.

Cheng Xiaobao, who was held in his arms, raised his head and said, "Uncle Yan, this is not your villa."

"It's for you. It's yours."

"Oh." The little guy nodded.

"Hitchhiker, I'll only let you sit here." Cheng yingxuan's face was full of anger, "where are you going? Please get off the bus."

"I'll go wherever you go." It's a matter of course.

"I'll go back to my own home." She stopped the car, got out of the car, went around the front passenger seat, ready to pull the door, trying to pull him out of the car.

He locked the door from inside.

She pulled the door handle several times and roared, "Yan shiting, what do you want?"

"Be Cheng Xiaobao's father." His answer was concise and comprehensible.

Cheng Xiaobao raised his small head and took a look at him. "Uncle Yan, I'm so gentle, you're so grumpy. I'm not like you anywhere. How can I be a father and son?"

Yan shiting's face was blacker than the bottom of the pot. "You learn from me like that!"

"You're just like me." Xiaobao doesn't buy it.

"Stinky boy." He pinched the kid's face.

Xiao Bao frowned, "don't pinch me, I'll turn over."

"I'm afraid you won't turn over?" No threat.

Xiaobao held out his hand and waved to him. He lowered his head knowingly. The little guy whispered in his ear, "if you annoy me, I will tell my mother quietly that you bully me, treat me badly, abuse me and scold me. It's not easy to be a stepfather. Uncle Yan, do you want to be more important than who is in Xuanxuan's heart? Are you sure you want to fight me? "

If the little guy is really so Yin, needless to say, he will be complained to death by Cheng yingxuan, "you son of a bitch, your heart is so black, who learned from it?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!