Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 564

"You eat first, and I'll call Xiao Bao." He helped her to get all the dishes and chopsticks ready for her, and then he went up to the second floor.

Two bodyguards stood at the door of one of the rooms on the second floor. He waved his hand and the bodyguards stepped down knowingly.

He opened the door and went in.

On the wide bed, Cheng Xiaobao's small body is like a shrimp lying on the side of the bed, curled up, wearing a pair of small underwear, tender body limbs are exposed outside, even the quilt is not covered.

Yan shiting frowned a little, and felt a deep affection for him.

Little guy is really, also not afraid of cold.

Sit down on the edge of the bed and pull the quilt to cover it.

Cheng Xiaobao's thick eyelashes blinked, opened a pair of water bone Lu eyes, "eh, uncle Yan, how are you here?"

Originally can't bear to wake him up. Seeing that he wakes up, Yan shiting takes the small clothes on the head cabinet and puts them on his small arms and legs. "It's too late for lunch. Get dressed and go to eat."

Cheng Xiaobao obediently asked him to help him put on his clothes, and his little head swayed a little, "Uncle Yan, isn't this a Mojia? What are you doing here? "

His voice was deliberately lowered, "I can be where I want to be."

"Where's uncle mu?"

I want to say that the goods are still pointed at the head with a gun at the moment, and do not want to frighten the child, "he went to other places."

"Oh." Xiaobaonen's voice continued to ask, "what about my mother?"

"Down in the hall." His voice just fell, Cheng Xiaobao Teng jumped off the ground, shoes are not wearing, small body ran out.

Yan shiting looks at that rash small figure, wants to hit him a small ass, but also has some helplessness.

Cold face floating up even he did not know the doting.

He took out his mobile phone, first made a phone call to deal with the matter of Mu Yufeng. He bent down to pick up the little guy and said that the heels of his shoes were behind him.


Ming Tai teahouse, CEN Sufen anxiously walked around the box.

Old master Yan sat on the chair, "daughter-in-law, don't turn around any more. I'm almost dizzy by you."

"Dad, what should I do? Shiting wants to kill Mu Yufeng, and the gun still points to Xiao Mu's head. Do you want to call Shi Ting to help Mu Yufeng plead for mercy? "

"As soon as you make a phone call, you're afraid it will be worse. I didn't find out that this situation is caused by me and you? " Old master Yan stroked his beard, "since Cheng yingxuan doesn't want muyufeng to die, then..." Old eyes flashed light, "the world Ting has not started now, that small Mu will not die."

A bodyguard answered the phone outside the door and reported in the box, "old lord, the power supply of the Civil Affairs Bureau has been restored, and the matter has subsided."

"What's the matter with Mu Yu Feng?" old master Yan was very nervous. Even if the boy surnamed Mu really wants to sever relations with the Yan family, he is still very concerned because he is the only grandson of his old comrades in arms.

"Mu Shao was knocked unconscious and locked up."

"Where are they?"

"It was run by the young master's cronies, and the specific subordinates don't know."

"Check it out!"



In the hall of Mujia manor, Cheng yingxuan is still struggling to have lunch. Cheng Xiaobao's small body rushes down from the upstairs, calling in a tender voice, "Mom!"

Before she could get up from the sofa, Xiaobao a bear fell into her arms. "Mom, I haven't seen you for a morning. My son missed you!"

By the way, she chirped two mouthfuls on her mother's face.

Cheng yingxuan also in the son's face kiss, "good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!