Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 563

"Not yet. Maybe Miss Cheng hasn't come back. He has no appetite."

"Let the chef prepare the meal immediately."


"No more. I'll cook myself Yan shiting waved his hand.

The bodyguard retreated to one side. Some of them couldn't believe that Yan Shaohui was so good to that little oil bottle.

Yan shiting looked at Cheng yingxuan and asked, "you haven't eaten yet. What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you. "

She raised her eyebrow. "You don't have to."

He ran over her shoulder and walked with her to the hall of the manor building. She tried to break his grip. She found that his hand couldn't be pulled by iron, and she didn't want to use force, so that when her son woke up, she would be distressed to see her fighting.

When she got to the living room, she went to the sofa and sat down. He went into the kitchen first. After a minute, he came out with a cut fruit platter and a cup of tea, and put it on the tea table in front of her, "you should eat something to cushion your stomach. What do you want for dinner

She looked up at his cold face for a few seconds. "You really don't have to."

His eyes are full of deep affection and his voice is a little hoarse. "Yingxuan, give me a chance to be nice to you."

"You've been given a chance." There was no temperature in her voice.

He said solemnly, "I didn't waste the opportunity you gave me. At seven o'clock that night, I still proposed to you as usual. Before seven o'clock, I sent you a lot of text messages, made a lot of phone calls to you, you shut down. You made it. "

She scoffed, "after breaking up, you still pretended to propose. Don't you think your behavior is very funny? Show it to who? You forgot to send someone to cancel the proposal that night

"Even if I forget, the Secretary will remind me. Besides, how could I forget it? " There was a twinkle of displeasure between his eyebrows. Then he thought that according to the situation at that time, it was inevitable that she would think so. His eyes flashed and looked at her deeply, and his voice was sincere: "yingxuan, that night..." "Although so many things happened that day, I still hope that the proposal will continue. I hope God can arrange a miracle so that you can marry me smoothly."

That day, the darkest day of his life, was even more painful than his disfigurement nearly six years ago. That day, he knew that he had no fertility, and was severely disliked by her.

I can still feel the heavy pain at that time.

Until now, the pain is still spreading endlessly in the bottom of my heart.

However, no matter whether he is qualified or not, no matter how painful, he can not let go of her hand.

"If you miss it, you won't get a second chance." She said without expression, "Yan shiting, I will not marry you."

His face was stiff, his eyes were aching, he turned around, and he walked into the kitchen.

She looked at his back, his feet seemed to be heavy as lead.

I know he's upset.

But she is not a slap in the face, and then give a sugar coax a coax will be OK.

Or together into good treasure, missed do not have to look back.

Soon came the sound of a spatula in the kitchen. After a while, he brought out a plate of fried steak, as well as a plate of fried vegetables and braised fish.

He didn't take off his suit and coat, and his brand-name clothes didn't look like a cook. However, the dishes he cooked looked good in color and smelled delicious. , the fastest update of the webnovel!