Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 565

Looking down, he noticed that the little guy had no shoes on. "Where are your shoes, son?"

When the little guy turned back, he saw Yan shiting's tall figure and went downstairs with his small shoes

Cheng yingxuan also glanced at the small shoes he was carrying. A sour mood rose from the bottom of Gu Jing's heart.

He didn't know Xiaobao was his son

He has a habit of cleanliness. He has broken up with her, and he can be so good to Xiaobao

Yan shiting went to the sofa and squatted down. With one hand, he held Xiaobao's small tender feet. He took off the original socks on Xiaobao's feet and put on new socks and shoes.

The little guy stares at Yan shiting's meticulous behavior, sits on his mother's lap and lets him play with him, "Mom, do you think uncle Yan is like my father?"

“……” Cheng yingxuan's body is stiff for a moment, dry smile, "how possible."

Yan shiting was also stiff for a moment. Thinking that he would never have a son in his life, a kind of agony of toppling emerged in his chest. He helped Xiaobao put on his shoes, washed his hands, and filled three bowls of rice from the kitchen to the table.

The little guy had already been waiting at the table with chopsticks in his hand. "What a delicious dish. I'm just hungry."

Yan shiting looked at the small things eating fast, "eat slowly, don't choke."

"No Xiaobao's mouth is full of food.

Yan shiting saw that he ate happily and didn't like cooking. He felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

He found that even if he couldn't have his own baby in his life and had Xiaobao around him, he felt a sense of satisfaction. He is very willing to take Xiaobao as his own son.

Cheng yingxuan is also hungry. Her son has "surrendered" to eat. She still tangles with her fart and comes directly to clean up the lunch.

Cheng Xiaobao put a piece of braised fish into Yan shiting's bowl, "uncle, you can also eat it."

Yan shiting was extremely moved, "good."

Cheng yingxuan looks at her son's strange behavior and is puzzled.

After dinner, Yan shiting cleaned the table himself and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Cheng yingxuan pulled her son aside and whispered, "son of a bitch, you said that you would ignore Yan shiting and give him a zero point. What is this about?"

Cheng Xiaobao pulled her sleeve, and she bowed knowingly. He lowered his voice, "I saw that all the bodyguards in Mujia manor were thrown over by the guards of Yan family this morning. I went to bed and pretended to sleep" to avoid a robbery. ". Let me tell you, the bodyguards in Chuang Tzu are all from the Yan family, not from the Mu family. Mom, you taught me that you are a good person to eat and know. I won't wait any longer. I'll go out crosswise later. "

"Bah! Crow's mouth. " Cheng yingxuan picked up Xiaobao's small body, went to the sofa and sat down, "Xiaobao, I know what you said. Yan shiting won't hurt you."


Because he's your father. She simply said, "he cooked for you."

"Will he hurt you?"

"Yes." This morning, her head was still pointed at by Yan.

I don't want to be OK. When I think about it, she really hates the root of her teeth to itch!

Point a gun at her and you want to cook a meal to offset it? What a bargain!

She picked up the remote control to watch the news. What happened in the Civil Affairs Bureau must be earth shaking.

As a result, after flipping through N channels, no news broadcast was found.

She did not give up watching the Internet. There was only a piece of unimportant news that someone set off firecrackers in the hall of the Civil Affairs Bureau. The circuit of the Civil Affairs Bureau was broken today, which was understatement. , the fastest update of the webnovel!