Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 559

That comfortable feeling almost made Yan shiting couldn't help escaping.

He can't help but think of how to run freely when he presses her under his body

His body became stiff from the desire.

Cheng yingxuan was embarrassed and made a big red face.

Yan shiting gazed at her tender face with pink and white from her back. Sometimes he felt that her skin was more tender than Xiaobao.

You know Xiaobao is tender enough.

I don't know why, when I think of Xiaobao, he has an indescribable love.

Maybe it's aiukiya. He loves her too much.

The way he looked at her cheek couldn't even blink.

There was an old woman sitting on the other side of the aisle. She looked at Cheng yingxuan's big red face, "you little girl, you are really dishonest. Didn't you say that he was a lecher? Why are you still sitting on his lap? "

Dare to say that his woman is dishonest, Yan shiting's eyes stare at the past.

The folds on her face trembled with fright. "Young man, do you want to frighten me with your eyes? Are you willing to leave the beauty in your arms and get up and beat me, an old woman? I'm old, the loess is buried to my neck, I'm not afraid to die! "

“……” Yan shiting was too lazy to talk and didn't mean to argue with an old man. He really wanted to hold Cheng yingxuan all the time. Even on the bus full of dirt and cars, he could not bear the smell.

As long as she's there, you can stay anywhere.

Cheng yingxuan looks at her grandmother and says, "I'm..." She poked Yan shiting's big hand in her waist and said, "I was forced by him..."

"Come on, little girl, you're lovers. You're not in a good mood." The old woman is a stubble of words, "I'll tell you, little girl, you don't have eyes in the back of your head. You can't see the way he looks at you Tut tut Tender, full of the love you say in your young mouth. He was still like ice just now. It's different from your eyes. My old women are looking at envy, want to start again from the age of 20. It's a pity that my old man is dead, otherwise I'm also a man of love. "

"You're sorry, granny." Cheng yingxuan still respects the reasonable old people.

"If it wasn't for my grandson, I would really like to go with the old man..." "Little girl, I think your boyfriend is very good. Don't be so wayward

Cheng yingxuan was blocked by her words, "I'm not self willed..."

"You said he was a lecher, in case he was beaten up..."

"No one dares to hit him." It's good that he doesn't kill people. She went to the Civil Affairs Bureau with Mu Yufeng to "play". Now, the Civil Affairs Bureau has not restored the power supply, and a group of people in it have been pointed at with guns by the special King team.

"It's not good for him to look at you." The old woman said, "if you don't cherish your youth, you will know how to cherish it until the old man in my family is too old to move."

"I broke up with him. That's a stranger Cheng yingxuan's words fall, Yan shiting's tone is filled with displeasure, "who agrees to break up? I never agreed! "

"When I moved out of your villa that day, I was divided!" She said without expression, "you even canceled the proposal. What's the point of worrying about it again!"

hearing her angry words, Yan shiting felt a little happy. She was obviously angry and failed to propose.

So, is she willing to marry him? , the fastest update of the webnovel!