Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 558

A lot of people on the bus were chatting with each other boiling. After Yan shiting got on the bus, his body was like a cold air conditioner with a temperature of - 50 degrees below zero. The whole bus seemed to be frozen.

The voice of the car was frozen.

Bus drivers are stupefied, a look to know that the new black faced man is either rich or expensive, his brand-name clothes at least tens of thousands of yuan a piece, how can such people take the bus? And two bodyguards.

Other passengers also have this idea. When they see Cheng yingxuan's face is so beautiful, they understand that it is her girlfriend who is angry and the man is coaxing her.

"The standing passenger stands firm." The bus driver calmed down and drove to the next stop.

Cheng yingxuan was originally crowded by the passengers standing next to her. As soon as Yan shiting came over, like an insulator, the rest of them instinctively stepped back in fear.

Yan shiting holds Cheng yingxuan in her arms. She reaches out and pushes him, "what are you doing?"

He ignored her protest and continued to encircle her boneless body.

How soft, he found that he really missed her body

He could hardly sleep all night without her in his arms last night.

She found that his big palm not only hooped her, but also pinched her waist, "lecher!"

“……” Yan shiting's face turned black.

"Lecher, I don't know him!" Cheng yingxuan can't bear it anymore and wants to slap him in the face again.

Originally thought that even if no one dares to help her, he will be condemned by the eyes of the car.

Who knows

The whole vehicle passenger seems to have not heard, bows the head, shivering. Such dignified "lecherons" are so scared that people are afraid to see them. Who dares to take the lead.

"He had a mask on his face He He is Yan of thunder group... " A female passenger recognized Yan shiting's identity, and one of the bodyguards in a black suit warned coldly, "Miss, don't be noisy!"

The female passenger shut up wisely.

Another bodyguard took out his wallet, took out several 100 yuan bills, and handed it to a young male passenger sitting next to the boss, "let's sit."

"Thank you." The male passenger quickly collected the money and stood behind.

The bodyguard took out a packet of napkins, first wiped the seat again, and then changed out a white cloth silk pad on the seat, then compared a please gesture, "boss, you sit down."

Cheng yingxuan looks at the bodyguard's careful behavior and takes so many things with him. He can only say that Yan shiting is abnormal.

Yan shiting sits down and sits on his lap with Cheng yingxuan in his arms.

She wants to stand up, he does not let, "you want to make the whole car people restless?"

“……” The people in the car threatened her!

At the next stop, a passenger said, "I I'm at the station. "

"Every stop, until XX station in the suburbs." The bodyguard said it to the bus driver.

The driver is busy nodding. He is from Chenxia, followed by a super luxury car with 5 8 license plates. How can you not know the identity of Yan shiting at this moment?

The emperor of Chenxia was in the car. He felt honored and under great pressure.

Every stop, the car is not fast and slow to the suburbs, the road is a bit blocked, open and stop, because always with a little brake, so that the car people also follow the shaking.

Every time he swayed, Yan shiting was seduced and bewildered by the woman sitting on her legs.

Cheng yingxuan clearly felt that she was being pushed by a hard object.

He enjoyed it.

Her face stiffened and she was about to stand up

In front of a car suddenly stopped, the bus brake.

Cheng yingxuan falls back to Yan shiting's thigh due to inertia, and stabs each other , the fastest update of the webnovel!