Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 560

I can't help but rise from the bottom of his heart that he has died and sunk into hell. "I can propose to you ten more times!"

She hums coldly, "this is not married, you propose ten times, want to leave nine times?"

He looked cold. "How could I want a divorce. If you marry me, I'll... "

I didn't say it for a while.

The people in the bus are listening with their ears up. For a moment, even people's breath can be heard.

Across the aisle, the old woman in her seat was worried, "young man, you mean, what's the matter with you?"

Dozens of pairs of eyes looked at Yan shiting. He was not a good at expressing himself and was not used to courting in front of so many people.

He used to think that it was a very pretentious and shameless thing, and that no woman was worth so much attention.

At seven o'clock last night, he proposed to her, but his heart was still not careful enough to sign his name.

As a result, the whole world thought that the marriage was asked by Mu Yufeng.


Anyway, it is a fact that he loves her, and he can do the same with Mu Yufeng's "warm man" behavior.

At first, he was shameless because he despised the learning of Xiangxing mu.

Now holding Cheng yingxuan's delicate body in his arms, he is very down-to-earth. There is a kind of sour and astringent sense of happiness even if he knows she dislikes him, as long as he can have her.

He found that, to her good, do not deliberately learn.

His heart naturally wanted to value her.

If you will marry me all my life His cold male voice with a thick seriousness, eyes are looking at Cheng yingxuan said, rolling sound spread all over the car every angle.

"Good!" The old woman across the aisle first clapped, and the whole bus carriage was followed by applause.

"Little girl, you might as well marry him now." "The old woman kindly suggested," now the Civil Affairs Bureau is not off work, you hurry to register. "

A young man sitting in the back of the car answered, "it seems that I can't. I just came from the Civil Affairs Bureau. I heard that the Civil Affairs Bureau was cut off and there were gunshots inside. Something must have happened. The police line has been pulled."

Yan shiting immediately said to Cheng yingxuan, "if you are willing to register with me, everything will not be a problem."

You made it all, of course, no problem. She curled her lips coldly. "I won't."

Yan shiting's eyes were slightly narrowed, and in a moment he made a decision in his heart.

"Young man, if your girlfriend doesn't, it means you need to work hard." The old woman said, "tell the old man, you should take good care of what you like, and don't regret it when you miss it."

Yan shiting may not even put his elders' words in his heart, so he nodded his head rarely.

"Can you let me off..." A middle-aged woman sitting in the back asked uneasily.

The bodyguard answered, "no, no one can violate my master's words."

The middle-aged woman's face was sad, and many passengers who had passed the station were particularly angry and dare not speak.

The atmosphere, which had just become more active, fell to the freezing point again.

Cheng yingxuan wanted to accommodate the passengers and get off first.

She got out of the car, Yan shiting must follow, other passengers can arrive at the station normally.

But as soon as she got out of the car, the taxi driver was scared away by him and got on another bus. It was the same trouble.

It's so far away that she can't walk?

After weighing it up, it's Yan shiting who is responsible for her crime.

She was tossed to death by him in the hotel the night before yesterday, and there is still some pain between her legs. , the fastest update of the webnovel!