Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 534

Cheng yingxuan didn't ignore the dim light in his eyes, and suddenly felt a little distressed for his persistence.

She was thinking, if only she was a woman who could make do with it.


She doesn't love muyufeng. She can only be sorry that he doesn't have the emotional feeling between men and women.

Cheng Xiaobao sits in the back seat, looking at the unfamiliar atmosphere between uncle Mu and his mother. He also feels powerless.

There is no denying that uncle Mu is a good man. No matter how good a man he is, Yuxuan must like it.

Yu Feng drives the car to the Mujia manor and lets yingxuan and her son stay here for fear that Yan shiting will kidnap Xiaobao again.

Cheng yingxuan also agreed. Compared with Yan shiting, she would rather owe Mu Yufeng's favor.


On the top floor of an apartment in the center of the city, Yan Kai took out the key and went home. When he entered the door, he saw Luo Mengna sitting in the living room, watching TV in a big way, with fruits and melon seeds on the tea table, just like a hostess.

His sullen face flashed an unhappy look, "Mona, how can you be here?"

Romona got up and met him with a smile. "Kay, you're back. Where have you been these days? I can't find you everywhere. Are you hiding from me?"

"How can I avoid you?" He avoided her, of course, and would not admit it.

"When people go to the company where you work, they can't find you. When they go to places where you often spend money, they say you are not there, even this apartment..." She threw a bunch of keys on the ground angrily. "You've changed the key to the door! If I hadn't asked the locksmith to unlock the lock, I couldn't even enter the door! "

Yan Kai went to the sofa and sat down. "No wonder you entered my house without permission."

"What is unauthorized?" Romona's eyes were full of displeasure. "Kay, you said this house was for me!"

"It hasn't been transferred. That's my house."

"What do you mean?" She immediately got up and said, "now people all over the world regard me as a laughing stock. I don't know how many people have seen me and A tramp's Xing hand in video, Luo's enterprise was directly closed down by the Yan family. The Luo family all think it's my fault. Why do I provoke Yan shiting? It's all under your command! Do you want to turn a blind eye? "

"You son of a bitch!" Yan Kai suddenly stood up and slapped Luo Mengna in the face. "It's you who said you went to bed with Yan shiting. I arranged something secretly. You didn't sleep with Yan shiting. Instead, you had a big stomach with an unclear man. Now you're killing me. The whole Yan Family's defense is like guarding against thieves. If I act a little bit, I won't be shot. You are special, because you are so stupid that you don't even have sex with Yan shiting. You make me look like a street mouse. You still have the face to appear in front of me

Luo Mengna was beaten to the ground. She covered her face in disbelief and glared at him fiercely, "Yan Kai, you son of a bitch, you dare to beat me! I have your seed in my stomach

"My seed?" Yan Kai scorned to smile, "it's the tramp. A dirty wild seed wants to be planted to me

"In the month of pregnancy, I only did it with that person once, and I did it with you for a whole month. The child must be yours!"

"Even if it's mine, I don't want a child from a bitch like you!" He said coldly, "get out of here!"

"My bank cards have been frozen by the order of the Yan family. I don't have any money now. I can't go home now. I'm ridiculed by passers-by even when I go out." , the fastest update of the webnovel!