Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 533

Who dares to greet boss in the world? It's Miss Cheng. She actually hit and can still retreat, so the boss is deeply mired in mud.

Yan shiting's cold face flashed a complex.

Zheng Wei is right. He is reluctant to chop Cheng yingxuan.

No one knows that he still can't let go of her hand when she dislikes him.

Today, he put down his posture and invited her to go fishing for tea. Originally, he wanted to make friends with her. Unexpectedly It's getting farther and farther away from her.

With her intelligence, she fully understood his intention.

She said that after breaking up, there was no need to continue.

He knew that she was blaming him for his temporary repentance before he proposed, but he did that because she disliked him!

"Go on with your bad advice." Senhan's voice has no temperature.

Encouraged, Zheng Wei said cautiously, "boss, my former assistant of process workers in LanChi group, she absolutely does not eat hard. If you collide with her, you will lose both sides. There is the Cheng Xiaobao, pure stubborn temperament, the more you force, will only be counterproductive. Why don't you learn how to admire and put down your posture... "

"I have given Cheng yingxuan enough face today!"

"It means that you haven't put your body in enough." Zheng Wei looked at the boss's face as black as carbon. He didn't want the boss's face to be bad every day, and his subordinates had a hard time. "In fact, a man should not have his nostrils up and warm up a little bit for the woman he likes. That's how women love him."

"What is a warm man?" Yan shiting frowned slightly.

"To explain simply, it is the man who makes women feel warm. Mu Shao's attitude towards Cheng Gong is similar to that of a warm man."

"No way, how could I be so mean!" He refused coldly.

Long legs took the lead in the Aston Martin.

He refused, and thought, maybe Zheng Wei is right. He can't be tough Can you think about warming it up?

Zheng Wei shook his head when he saw that boss was so obscene. He thought to himself that he would fight for Cheng Gong with Mu Shao. Boss, the black faced God, was doomed to lose.

Run to the cab of a luxury car and be a competent driver.


In Ferrari's luxury car, Cheng yingxuan sees Mu Yufeng driving, and his mouth is up. This guy is just as sunny as a tune.

She glanced at him from time to time.

Mu Yufeng is just on the side of her head. She smiles at her clean and moist eyes, and her two rows of neat teeth are shining white. "Xuanxuan, you peek at me Hey hey, you don't have to peek. Just look at it openly. I like your eyes on me

"No She raised her delicate eyebrows. "I have something to tell you."

"Whatever you say, I'll listen." He gave her a gentle look, and then looked at the road ahead, "I will listen to you."

“……” She said coldly, "I hope you don't get me wrong. I held your hand just now. There's no other meaning We are just friends. If you say it's your fiancee, it's for Yan shiting. We don't want him to pester me

In his lacquered pupil, a trace of gloom flashed, "I know..." "You are willing to take the initiative to hold my hand, I have been very satisfied. I'm happy that you can treat me as a friend. "

If you don't force her, he'll give her time.

As long as she does not disappear as she did six years ago, in his sight, he has confidence and hope, and will definitely occupy a seat in her heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!