Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 535

She leans on the ground, "I won't leave!"

he pulls her up and drags her out, "you have to go if you don't go!"

She couldn't resist his brute force, and suddenly sneered, "OK, I'll go by myself. I'll tell Yan shiting that you instigated me to plant the crops in my stomach to him. You set up a bureau to seize the property of the Yan family, and you want to send someone to assassinate Yan shiting."

"Dare you He glared at her.

She laughed sarcastically. "I'm at this point. Do you dare me?"

"You have no proof..."

"There is no evidence. There are a lot of bed photos and intimate photos of you and me. Without you behind me, I have the courage to think about the Yan Family's wealth, and I dare not harm the Yan Family's life. Do you think Yan shiting will believe me? "

Yan Kai's face was gloomy, "are you threatening me?"

"I've come to this end anyway. I'll catch you dead with you." She was so angry that she thought that Yan Kai had a real heart for her, but she turned a deaf ear.

Yan Kai Yin Rou with a little feminine face, slightly changed, immediately filled with tenderness, "Mona, you don't get excited, it's not good for the fetus."

She trembled with anger. "Didn't you say that I was carrying a wild seed? You don't care about the baby in my stomach. "

"You said, only once with that tramp. We do it every day. Of course, the child belongs to me. My seed, I am thirty years old, how can I not care? " He put his arm around her shoulder. "I just tried to see if you would betray me, but You really want to go to Yan shiting and sell me... "

"Is it really just a trial?" She was suspicious, a little incredulous on her heavily made-up face.

"Pure trial." He pretended to be sad, "you make me sad, we have so many years of feelings, did not expect that you will betray me just because of a few quarrels."

Looking at his sad face, Romona didn't believe him very much, but she had no choice but to coax the man, take his arm and act coquettish, "Kay, I was not good just now. I'm also angry for a moment. Pregnant women are sometimes unreasonable. Can you forgive me

"I can't be angry with you." Yan Kai reached out and stroked her stomach. He felt sick in his heart and became more gentle on his face. "I will treat you well in the future."

"Kay, I can't cover my stomach. Yan shiting hasn't killed you yet, which means that he has left you affection. Shall we register for marriage right now

This bitch wants to marry him! "In the current fashion, it's not suitable for a wedding," he said

"We can make up for the wedding. We'll get the marriage certificate first." She was afraid of the change, so she took his arm and went out. "Now the Civil Affairs Bureau is not off work, we have time to get the certificate."

He pulled his arm back and pressed her shoulder. "Tomorrow."

She asked sensitively, "do you want to go back?"

"To get the marriage certificate, you should bring the household register and ID card. The account book is in my grandmother's place. It takes time to get it."

"Then you should go to Yan's old house quickly..."

"I just came out there. My grandmother is sleeping in the afternoon. It's not good to disturb now. When she wakes up, it's all night, and the Civil Affairs Bureau is off work. It's not a day short to go tomorrow. " He explained.

"Well, tomorrow is tomorrow. You can't cheat me, or... " What she didn't say was that she would go to Yan shiting and stab him out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!