Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 532

"I'm waiting for Xuanxuan to sleep." Mu Yufeng doesn't mind his sarcasm at all.

Yan shiting in the eyes of the cold with murderous fury, "Mu Yu Feng, are you looking for death?"

"In front of the children, I don't want to shoot or knife you." "Before Xuanxuan gets married, anyone can grab it. The eight immortals cross the sea with their own abilities."

"Uncle mu, good job!" Xiao Bao clapped his hands and stretched out his arms to him

Mu Yufeng was flattered and immediately took his small body from Xuanxuan's arms. "Little guy, when did you like me so much?"

"You're good. Of course I like you." Xiaobao also gave him a kiss on his handsome face, "boo one, prize you."

Mu Yu Feng was so happy that he gave several kisses to Xiao Bao's face.

Yan shiting's depression filled his chest, "Cheng Xiaobao, who made you so close to him?"

For a wild species, like a villain, but alienated themselves, do not know why, is very concerned, as if with their own son was robbed.

Completely, very uncomfortable!

Just like Mu Yu Feng, he doesn't want to see blood in front of the child.

"You can't control who I like to be intimate with or alienated from." Cheng Xiaobao frowned.

Yan shiting stares at the little bunny and shivers all over with anger. The strength of holding Cheng yingxuan's waist is getting tighter and tighter.

Cheng yingxuan didn't tell him to let go. He hit him in the ribs. He was unprepared for a moment. The force of the heavy blow forced him to defend himself reflexively and naturally let go.

She stepped back two steps, took the initiative to Mu Yu Feng's hand, gently said to him, "feather maple, let's go."

This is the first time that she took her hand. Mu Yufeng held Xiaobao in one hand and her little hand in the other. Her eyes were almost filled with water mist. "Mm-hmm, let's go."

Yan shiting stares at the back of the "family of three" and leaves hand in hand. His heart is full of jealousy and anger!

He is super want to shoot Mu Yufeng, but his grandfather's life was saved by Mu Laozi. Mu Laozi treated him well before he died.

He can't kill mu.

But he's going to lose his head in anger!

Mu Yufeng opened the back door of the Ferrari car, let Xiaobao sit in it, and opened the front passenger's door for Xuanxuan. He drove his car and blew the gas pedal.

A group of Mujia bodyguards also got on the bus, and more than ten cars drove out of turtle mountain villa.

Zheng Wei went to his boss and said, "president, you seem very angry..."

Yan shiting gave him a cold, sharp look like a knife. When Zheng Weidun felt that he had been cut into two pieces, he still insisted on saying, "boss, I think it's convenient. You really have to learn from muyufeng."

"What bad advice do you give?" Yan shiting roared, "do I learn from him? You are looking for death

Zheng Wei shrank his neck in fright. "You can see the effect. Xiaobao has reduced you by 50 points, and Mu Shao has taken 99.8 points And Miss Cheng, if you were a little more restrained, she would not take the initiative to hold Mu Shao's hand You made it. "

"It's her own misbehavior!" Yan shiting said angrily, "I should have split her into ten thousand pieces!"

"But you can't bear it." Zheng Wei secretly glanced at boss's cold face. The five finger prints on his right face were obvious. The long fingerprints showed that the hand slapped on the face was very beautiful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!