Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 502

Cheng yingxuan was soaked in cold water for a long time. Her teeth were fighting with each other. However, she felt that she was dying. She opened her mouth and her voice was hoarse. She couldn't make a sound as before.

The operator at the switchboard said politely, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

“…… Box A028 "I love you..."

"I'm sorry, miss, I didn't catch what you said?" "Can you say that again?" said the operator patiently

Cheng yingxuan swallowed several mouthfuls to moisten her voice, almost in a nasal voice, "let Mu Yufeng from box A028 come to room 3105 immediately."

"You mean to ask Mu Yufeng from box A028 to go to room 3105 immediately?" Miss operator repeatedly asked, but there was no sound on the phone, because Cheng yingxuan fainted.

"Miss, miss?" The front desk didn't respond to the call several times. The phone was connected again, so he had to hang up.

The front desk Miss suddenly remembered that the boss's banquet had something to tell him. Mu Yufeng and Yan shiting were two very important guests tonight. One was Mu Jia Da Shao and the other was the president of thunder group. Every move should be reported to him.

She immediately called the boss's mat.

After receiving the phone call, the flower mat squinted and immediately gave an order, "cut off the monitoring of the corridor of the No.2 VIP elevator and the corridor on the 30th floor within half an hour!"


Yan shiting took a shower in the bathroom of the president's suite on the top floor. He took a hot bath. He applied the bath gel several times, so that his skin would rub off one layer. The red rash on his body was still one by one.

He frowned, wiped the water stains off his body with a clean towel and went to the room.

The mobile phone rings and looks at the caller ID. it's from the flower mat.

It's not about introducing a woman to him again, is it?

He impatiently answered the phone, "if you have something to say, if you want to find something that hasn't been opened, then you won't have to."

"Well, I say Yan Shao, he Xiaotong is so pure and beautiful. Why don't you just shoot at her? It made my little girl cry in my arms... " "Yan Dashao, who are you guarding yourself for..."

Before he finished speaking, Yan shiting hung up the phone directly.

Flower mat listen to the phone from the beep broken line sound, staring at the mobile phone for two seconds, "lying trough, Yan Shao is really ruthless, listen to brother nagging two words are not willing."

He had to work hard to call the past, this time, the phone rang dozens of times, Yan shiting did not answer.

He suddenly felt that he was dying. He knew that Yan Shao was not a man with patience to listen to such nonsense.

But tonight's business is very troublesome

He started from Yan shiting, even a row of beautiful women, do not want to see the reaction, after Cheng yingxuan Road, he actually casually pointed to one.

Then, Yan shiting didn't like he Xiaotong either. When he went to the door and saw Cheng yingxuan was there, he Xiaotong was deliberately called to Da Pao on the top floor. This shows that Yan Shao did it for Cheng yingxuan and wanted her to be jealous?

to be clear, Yan Shao couldn't put Cheng's ex girlfriend in his mind! You can pretend to be a whore.

His brother Hua Bo was knocked unconscious and stabbed in the arm outside the No.2 VIP elevator.

Intuition has something to do with Cheng yingxuan.

Huaxi suddenly felt that the situation was serious, and with his intelligence, he almost guessed what had happened. , the fastest update of the webnovel!