Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 503

The younger brother provokes Yan Shao's woman, and uses Yan Shao's means

He shivered.

In order to prevent his brother from sinking into the sea tomorrow, he calls Yan shiting unremittingly.

The other party no longer picked up, so he had to send a text message.


In the presidential suite, Yan shiting picked up a towel to wipe a neat man's short hair. When he heard the sound of text messages, it was from the flower mat and harassed him again and again. Does "no night" want to keep going?

Click to open the text message, the message read: Cheng yingxuan in room 3105, let you go immediately.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, judging the authenticity of the information.

The flower mat has not the courage to cheat him!

The corner of her lips raised a trace of irony. Cheng yingxuan, the dead woman, actually opened the room and asked him to meet. She was lonely and widowed. She was burning with firewood. Her intention was obvious.

I must have missed his body.

The trace of mockery added a smile that he could not even detect.

Dare to despise him, even if she kneels down to apologize, he will not easily forgive her!

If she kneels and licks

He can also think about the past.

Take Joe to think of slowing down to the 30th floor speed, had better wait for her!

In his hands, he quickly picked up his shirt and trousers, dressed neatly. He left the room door before 30 seconds, entered the elevator in three seconds, and pressed the button on the 30th floor.

He lifted his right wrist and looked at the time on his watch. After more than a minute, he went from the presidential suite on the 60th floor to the door of room 3105.

Is it too fast?

So fast, the woman must think that he cares about her very much. Maybe she will die laughing.

According to the information from the flower mat, Cheng yingxuan asked him to arrive "immediately". This means as fast as possible.

Her patience is not very good. If she is slow, she will not stand up. If he asks him to look for her again, it will be embarrassing.

It has to be said that women surnamed Cheng are not easy to offend.

He frowned his thick black eyebrows and made her smile. It was better than being pigeoned.

Hesitated, he knocked on the door.

Kowtow, kowtow, kowtow!

There was a rhythm. There was no movement in the room after three taps.

He waited ten seconds and knocked five more times.

There was still no movement inside. He said in a cold voice, "Cheng yingxuan, open the door!"

He didn't get a response. He didn't look very good. "If you don't open the door, I'll smash it."

Still did not ring, he frowned slightly, just to ask the waiter to open the door.

Flower mat trotted over personally and sent a spare room card, "Yan Shao, this is room card for room 3105."

"Open the door." Command with ice.

The flower mat picked up the room card and brushed it on the door handle. With a drop, the door opened.

Yan shiting took the lead in entering the room. Cheng yingxuan was lying on the floor beside the bed, flushed all over. Her dress was half pulled by her, showing a snow-white arm. Her skirt was also raised to the waist, revealing two white and slender legs.

She was almost half naked. Fortunately, she was wearing safety pants, which were about the pants for girls to avoid the bottom of skirt.

As soon as his face changed, he immediately said to the flower mat behind him, "turn around and get out!"

Flower mat also saw the scene in the room, obviously he guessed right, Huabo really made a big deal!

"Cheng yingxuan was drugged. And it's a little bit like the effect of "a piece of firewood" when you have sex with Yao. " The flower mat said, "Yan Shao, you should go to bed with her to remove the drug. She is in such a situation that she can't be saved when she is sent to the hospital. Of course, if there are male doctors in the hospital, they can still be saved... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!