Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 501

Not only was her body hot, but her brain was swelling.

She clearly realized that cold water could not solve the drug in her body, and she strongly needed a man!

She tried several times to get up. She got up half way and fell down powerlessly.

No, she's going to faint.

She was almost exhausted by the burning van's consciousness, simply squatting and half climbing, to the bedroom.

She can't faint. The effect is so strong that if she can't solve the drug effect, she has a premonition that she will not wake up when she is faint.

Really very embarrassed bit by bit to climb to the bedroom bedside.

Every step, she was helpless. She remembered that when she raped Yan shiting, she could only lie in the hospital bed and do whatever she wanted.

At that time, he was as helpless as she is now.

She's so miserable now that she's really getting back!

Deeply aware of Come out to mix, always have to pay back. What does it mean.

Especially, at the beginning, Ting Ting Ting was raped and raped. She had to crawl around

Grandma, make it clear that the retribution is even the interest.

Her body needs a man now.

She thought of Yan shiting and had the impulse to call him.

It suddenly occurred to me that he was taking a virgin prostitute to the presidential suite on the top floor. It was estimated that the war was raging

The next moment of sadness and pain in her heart.

Closed her eyes, she found that she was reluctant to let Yan shiting sleep with other women.

However, she has broken up with him.

It's normal for him to sleep with other women.

Her mobile phone has long been lost, so she can only use the machine on her bedside table.

She picked up the phone, because she was lying on the ground. She stood up and tried to dial with her head up. She could not see the buttons on the surface of the phone.

She simply pulled the phone off the bedside table, and Yan shiting's mobile phone number floated through her mind

Can't and don't want to call him.

A man who has touched another woman, she doesn't want it!

Then Muyu maple.

If Yan shiting looks for a woman, she can also find a man.

Anyway, Yan doesn't care.

At the same time, Ting Ting Ting is doing AI in the presidential suite on the top floor. She and Yu Feng are also happy on the 30th floor.

She gave the corner of her lip a sneer.

When hearing Yan shiting himself said that she would take the woman to open a room, she had no apparent reaction.

There was pain in her heart.

It hurts to It's a bit out of my head.

Will not be prepared to drink Huabo with "material" wine.

In other words, she can also foresee the result of adding medicine to the wine. It is only because Mu Yufeng is waiting in the opposite box that she drinks the wine.

Mu Yufeng she can trust, she is thinking that even if the spring Yao, he can drive her to her home, her home has an antidote to suppress the effect.

Unexpectedly, Yu Feng was not in the box.

And now, she can't wait to get her antidote home.

Anyway, it's impossible for her and Yan shiting. She can't stand men's dirty.

To call Mu Yufeng's mobile phone number, she found that she couldn't remember the number of Mu Yufeng, which was usually remembered.

Now her head is hot and dizzy. Her thoughts are not only lost, but her eyes are full of flowers.

She looked at the operator number on the phone and dialed it.

"Hello, this is the front desk." The operator's sweet voice rang out on the phone, "what can I do for you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!