Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 500

The manager of the lobby was also very fast. He immediately took his walkie talkie and told him to check huabokai's room number. One minute later, he got the answer - room 3022.

Mu Yufeng suspects that Hua Bo has already taken Xuanxuan to her room, although he thinks it is impossible to do so because Hua Bo is in a coma and sent to the hospital.

Based on his understanding of Xuanxuan for many years, she may have stolen Huabo's room card to have a rest.

Who makes Xuanxuan naughty and cute?

He entered the elevator on the 30th floor, and the lobby manager and LAN Jinchen followed him in.

"What are you going to do?" Mu Yu Feng glanced at Mu Jinchen coldly.

"Yingxuan is an employee of our company. As the boss, I have the responsibility to protect her safety and find her." Blue brocade Chen reason is sufficient, because the speech affected the face has just been beaten the muscle, he hurt canthus teeth grin, a gentle face has become a bruised laughing stock.

If she is really in room 3022, at this time, the efficacy of her body has been in a state of confusion and unconsciousness.

"Yes." Mu Yu Feng wryly raised the corner of his lips, "the cat weeps the mouse, my fiancee had better have nothing to do, otherwise, I will not only take you to bury, but also take your LAN family to bury with me!"

LAN Jinchen trembled after hearing this. He was also a president and the only son of the mayor. In front of outsiders, he showed his timidity and humility and tried to restrain himself.

Mu Yufeng's aura is very strong. He has an impulse to escape. At this time, he can't go.

If she doesn't take care of the matter, Cheng yingxuan will settle accounts with him tomorrow. In case she blows in front of Mu Yufeng and asks Mu family to deal with LAN's family, it's not worth the loss!

Micro squint, with Mu Yufeng to find Cheng yingxuan, a pair of can not find, do not give up the attitude, is really found, He Lan Jinchen has no chance to do Cheng yingxuan.

It seems that

It's up to Huabo to blame tonight.

Mu Yufeng just walked to the door of room 3022 on the 30th floor. A waiter who received the order of the lobby manager in advance ran over and opened the door with the spare room card.

After the door opened, I saw that the inside was clean and tidy, the bedding was neatly folded on the bed, and the slippers had not been moved. It was obvious that no guest had ever lived in it.

Blue brocade Chen sees this, in the heart a little relieved tone.

Cheng yingxuan is not in Huabo's room, so she can get rid of her responsibility.

Mu Yufeng goes into the room and looks for a circle. She doesn't Miss Cheng yingxuan in the bathroom, in the wardrobe and even under the bed.

He frowned his thick black eyebrows.

Where did his Xuanxuan go?

Without wasting time, he went out. The door to door was room 3105. He had no idea that the person he was looking for was in the opposite room.

"Go to the surveillance room. I need to retrieve the surveillance video in half an hour!" Mu Yufeng goes to the direction of the elevator, and the lobby manager and LAN Jinchen follow behind like two minions.

His voice was clear and loud. If Cheng yingxuan was in the room, only one door apart, he might be able to hear her.

Unfortunately, Cheng yingxuan is taking a cold shower in the bathroom. The hotel has a good sound insulation effect. With the shower on, she can't hear clearly. Mu Yufeng just walked out of the door.

She sat on the ground with a fall and was drenched in cold water for a long time. At first, her burning heat had subsided a little.

Slowly, the body was cold water pressure down the fire up again, and more and more fierce, she did not take off clothes, she felt wet legs. , the fastest update of the webnovel!