Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 483

Cheng Xiaobao stands out and says, "I don't know."

With concern on his face, the figure of sunshine quickly followed Cheng yingxuan and saw her enter the bathroom.

In less than a minute, she came out, her hands and face were wet, and she was wiping her face with a tissue.

Obviously, she was afraid of "indirect kissing" and washed her face.

His face was a little embarrassed, and the sun's pretty face rose. "Xuanxuan, it's just that I and you both kiss Xiaobao. Do you dislike me so much?"

"If you think that way, I can't help it." In fact, she felt nothing, but Xiaobao said that her mouth was stained with muyufeng's saliva, which made her feel a little nauseous.

Although, when she didn't see the kiss, the little guy had saliva on his face.

Maybe it's psychological.

He collected the following color, lips floating smile, "so say, I don't think so, is you don't dislike me." Maybe she's just trying to wash her face.

She didn't want to explain anything to him and turned to the second floor guest room.

In the afternoon, the private teacher for Cheng Xiaobao arrived, and Xiaobao was arranged to do a lot of homework.

The little guy studies hard.

Cheng yingxuan spent a day with Muyu Fengdu manor, but basically she ignored him. He flattered and pestered her.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, the little guy went to bed early.

Cheng yingxuan answers a phone call from LAN Jinchen.

She turned into the room and took a design document of the project made during the day. As she passed the living room, Mu Yufeng sat on the sofa and watched TV.

As soon as he saw her, he got up and asked, "Xuanxuan, you seem to be going out?"

"Lend me your car. I'm going out on business." She said.

Without hesitation, he gave her the Ferrari key. "Where are you going?"

"No night." She took the key and went out.

It's the biggest entertainment city in Chenxia.

Mu Yu Feng quickly followed, "I am not interfering with your actions, but out of concern to ask, what do you go to night to do?"

"Mr. LAN has made an appointment with important customers to talk about the project. The customer asked to see the project information. I did it today, so I didn't have time to take it to the company." She said, "I'll deliver it."

"I'll send someone to deliver it for you."

"The client wants to hear my own explanation and comment on the project." She got in and started the car.

He opened the door and got into the co pilot's seat. "Xuanxuan, I'll go with you. I think blue brocade Chen that person asks you to go now, in case of uneasy good intention, I am not at ease

"No one can hurt me." She enunciated coldly.

"But you are not what you used to be. You want to live a peaceful life, and you won't use many of the cruel means you used to use. "

"That's not good." She chuckled indifferently. "If you want to go, just join us."

"Yes, Xuanxuan." He really wanted to call her wife.

She drives very fast. He keeps staring at her in the front passenger seat. The more he looks at her, the more he thinks she is beautiful and likes her. I really don't know when he can marry her into the house.


Yan shiting peeped at Cheng yingxuan all day in the villa.

The window of her room was always open, so he could clearly see that she was working a lot of time with his telescope. However, Mu Yufeng's unsettling and kind-hearted thing was always attentive, either helping her carry fruit or making tea for her.

He was jealous and angry.

And almost all day.

He didn't want to pay any more attention to the dead woman and forced himself to stop peeping at her.

In the villa, but everywhere reminds him of her figure.

So, in the evening, he called the flower mat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!