Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 484

Huaxi is his classmate and the boss of the biggest entertainment city in Chenxia.

He hung up before the phone rang.

The flower mat immediately called back, "Mr. Yan, it's really rare. Every time I call you, I never see you call me. What can I do for you? "


"Last night, Li Ze said that you were not satisfied with the young lady selected from the entertainment city. You didn't even look at it. Ah Old classmate, I didn't expect it was you who wanted a woman. I thought it was Li Ze who wanted to have a big gun, so I found some top-quality goods for him to choose. If I had known you wanted a woman, I would have let the "never night sky" stand up. Mr. Yan, I remember that when you were in America, you refused to touch your fiancee. Are you sure you really want to find a woman? "

Yan shiting frowned. "Isn't it normal to find a woman?"

"If others are normal, you are abnormal..." The flower mat suddenly felt that something was wrong. "I mean, you boy, you should have opened your mind. You should have loosened your belt and picked flowers everywhere. If you are young, you can only cry when you are old."

He was too lazy to listen to the flowerbed, "have you finished?"

"Mr. Yan, if you have time, come to" no night sky ". I have a row of good goods waiting for you. I have a new good product this evening, with big chest, fat buttocks, thin waist and special eye contact Would you like to come and see it? "

"No time." He hung up the phone and stood by the windowsill to see Cheng yingxuan leaving the muyufeng Ferrari.

He immediately went downstairs and got on the bus and told the driver to follow him far away.

Ferrari stopped in the parking lot at the gate of "never night".

Cheng yingxuan and Mu Yufeng walked into the splendid lobby of "never night".

Once in the lobby, a row of beautiful women in red sleeveless cheongsam bowed in unison, "Welcome

One of the ushers politely asked, "do you have a reserved box, sir and madam?"

"Box a116." Cheng yingxuan reported the box number of LAN Jinchen.

"You come with me." A male servant leads the way.

Mu Yufeng didn't keep up, so the service desk opened another box to wait quietly.

Because Xuanxuan said it was not convenient to take him with her, so she said in the car that he was waiting for her. She would call him when she was busy.

Cheng yingxuan is led by the waiter into box a116.

The box is very large, and the decoration is extremely luxurious. There are long rows of leather sofas, first-class microphone equipment, and there is a special dance floor. The mixed lights of various colors cast from the ceiling are bright and dim, secret and rich.

Blue Jinchen, a shirt and trousers, was sitting on the sofa, talking to a young man with an excellent appearance. Beside him, there was a middle-aged man in his forties.

The middle-aged man was holding a sexy girl in his arms. They were very close to each other.

As soon as Cheng yingxuan entered the room, LAN Jinchen stood up and met him, "yingxuan, you are here!"

"Mr. LAN." She said hello politely.

There was pop music in the box. The young man waited for her to enter the compartment, pressed the remote control, and turned the music down very quietly. The atmosphere in the box became very ambiguous with the cross beam of light and dark lights.

LAN Jinchen compared the young man to introduce, "this is Hua Bo, the president of Lihua enterprise, and also the brother of the boss of" never night sky. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!