Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 482

To save his dark life.

Those cruel days, because of her, he never felt bitter.

The organization was destroyed by her, and he also restored the identity of Mu family.

After six years of losing her, he lived a better life than death.

His life is meaningful because of her.

Yan shiting is standing in a room on the third floor of his villa. Standing behind the curtain, he looks at the beautiful woman standing in the flower sea of Mujia manor with a telescope.

Her every smile, even delicate facial features on every subtle expression, he all into the eye.

Originally took the car to the company, on the way, he ordered the driver to turn back.

I'm not sure she lives in Mujia manor.

That is a good-looking wolf's nest, there is a Moyu maple in the wolf's nest, which is a wolf with a heart of no death!

He wanted to kick the door of Mu's house and take her back to his home.

At the thought of her dislike, the thought of her categorical rejection of him, he tolerated the impulse.

He told himself again and again that she was not the only one.

But now he doesn't understand why he should still peep here!

Her long hair fluttering with the wind seems to be able to scratch his heart, her graceful figure seems to be able to hook his soul!

He suddenly remembered that when her slender and straight * * was entangled in his waist, he held her body to blend with her, so that she was a soul!

Yes, he just loves her body.

He told himself with force.

When the angle of the telescope moves, Mu Yufeng comes out with Cheng Xiaobao in his arms, and approaches his yingxuan.

His face was as black as carbon.

Seeing Mu Yufeng staring at his yingxuan, he really wants to tear up that handsome face!

Thinking of looking for Cheng yingxuan, she said that Mu Yufeng was more handsome than him

Yan shiting's face was so black that he almost smoked.

The woman who disliked him had such a bad character.

A can only look at the skin, only can see the appearance of a man, is not worth his Yan shiting half of the heart!

He should not waste another minute, even a second, on her.

But the footstep just can't move, just want to look at her like this.

I was poisoned by this dead woman!

Cheng yingxuan is aware of her burning gaze. When she looks back, she sees muyufeng standing five meters away with Xiaobao in her arms.

He is a gray leisure suit. His height is about 1.87 meters. His facial features are clear, his eyebrows are big and his eyes are big. He is more handsome than the sun. He is a handsome man with red fruits!

Just look at the appearance, Muyu maple is really extremely eye-catching.

Looking at him holding Xiaobao, the little guy is incomparably handsome, one big and one small, but quite like two father and son.

His eyes did not hide the infatuation, which made her frown, she took the initiative to go to him, toward Xiaobao stretched out his hand, "son, mother embrace."

Cheng Xiaobao took the initiative to reach his mother's arms, tender call, "mother."

The voice was like a baby, and Cheng yingxuan's heart softened.

She held her son's small buttocks in one hand, put a ring behind her small body, and gave her son a kiss on his delicate little face, "baby, good."

Xiao Bao said, "just now uncle Mu just kissed my left face. I didn't have time to wipe his saliva. You kiss again. Now, uncle Mu's saliva is on your mouth."

Mu Yu Feng said with a smile, "Xuanxuan, are we kissing indirectly?"

Cheng yingxuan's face became stiff. She quickly put her son down and walked towards the living room.

"Where is she going?" Feather Maple dark eyebrows floating between doubts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!