Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1169

Cheng angqi's heart is filled with deep sorrow

She won from the beginning to the end of her life, but Cheng yingxuan couldn't give a cent


Hate, hate!

CEN Sufen was so shocked that she was confused. She thought that Cheng yingxuan's status was so noble that she was so despised before, and she was always against her.

In the future, we have to see Cheng yingxuan's face. She can't accept the attack in an instant. The whole person is unstable for a moment and faints on the ground.

"Sufen!" Yan Song anxiously called his wife's name.

"What's wrong with you, daughter-in-law?" he said

Including Cheng Hanming, morcia and Cheng yingxuan, they all look here, and everyone's attention is on Cen Sufen who has fainted.

No one noticed that Cheng angqi took out a small pistol from her bra and fired three shots at Cheng yingxuan.

"Yingxuan, be careful!" Yan shiting was the first to react. Unfortunately, it was too late to stop him. He could only fly in front of Cheng yingxuan.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three guns rang through the villa.

Almost at the same time, Cheng yingxuan's bodyguard and the soldiers brought by the president draw their guns and shoot at Cheng angqi at the same time.

Cheng Anqi was instantly shot into a sieve, full of bullet holes fell to the ground, spit a stream of blood in his mouth, the body twitched a few times, and then stopped breathing.

Her body is soaked in blood, staring at the eyes like a dead fish, dead eyes.

Yang Xi, who had seen this battle, was scared, "ah ah ah!"

Screaming all the time.

The bodyguard buckled her arms back and put a ball of cloth over her mouth.

"Shi Ting!" Cheng yingxuan catches Yan shiting's unsteady body and shouts eagerly, "do you want to worry?"

My God, Shi Ting reflexively used his body to help her block the gun!

How much does he love her? No doubt, his love for her is more than his own life!

Her heart was moved and shocked through her chest. How could this man be so stupid!

"Shi Ting, how are you?" Yan Song, Yan Laoye and Cheng Hanming all rushed to Yan shiting. They all showed concern and were anxious.

Even Cen Sufen got up from the ground. In fact, she didn't faint completely. She couldn't stand on her feet for a moment. She was scared by the sound of gunfire and her mind was very clear. She quickly climbed in the direction of her son, "my son, you can't do anything!"

Cheng yingxuan looked at a blood hole in Yan shiting's right chest and kept pouring blood out, "how many shots have you been shot Will it hurt? Look at me and ask such stupid questions! I'll take you to the hospital right away! Don't move his body at will, otherwise it will aggravate the injury. Please find a flat plate that can lift people! "

"There's a stretcher in the car. Get it!" Cheng Hanming ordered. As president, he travels in cars equipped with emergency facilities at all times.

"Yes." The soldiers were ordered to go at once.

Yan shiting looked pale and said, "yingxuan, don't worry That bitch's not a good shot I only got one shot. You Is there anything wrong? "

Cheng yingxuan lost her eyes in tears and sobbed, "I'm ok I'm fine. It's all this time. You still care about me... "

He looked at her affectionately and said in a cold voice, "you are more important than my life..."

Her tears fell like a broken bead. "Yan shiting, you are more important than my life. You can't do anything, you can't do something!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!