Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1170

Never cry, has always been only bleeding, not tears of her, this moment to the bone of heartache.

Yan shiting's wound gushed blood quickly soaked his clothes. She quickly took out a capsule state object from her pocket, opened his shirt, and sprinkled powder on his wound.

"Cheng yingxuan, what have you done to shiting?" CEN Sufen Li drank, "if my son has a mistake because of saving you, it's all your harm!"

"Shut up Cheng yingxuan showed a fierce look.

Both Yang Xi and Cheng Anqi were brought in by Cen Sufen. She also reminded her that they were not well intentioned and let them go. CEN Sufen must be right with herself!

Now the responsibility is still on the way!

Yan Song also said, "Sufen, don't make trouble! I didn't see that the bleeding speed of the gunshot wound slowed down. She must have given him hemostatic

At this time, the soldiers carried a stretcher and translated Yan shiting up.

Cheng yingxuan saw Yan shiting frowning because of his body moving. He called out, "move gently, gently!"

Yan shiting grabs Cheng yingxuan's hand weakly and forcefully. He is carried into the ambulance carriage by stretcher, and she also gets on the car.

CEN Sufen wants to follow the bus, and is stopped by Yan Song. "Shi Ting should have something to say to Cheng yingxuan that we'll take another car."

On the way to the hospital, Yan shiting is lying on the stretcher in the carriage, with deep cold eyes, Cheng yingxuan's eyes full of tenderness, "wife..."

As soon as he spoke, blood gushed out of his mouth.

"Don't talk, don't talk..." She cried into tears.

"Your tears It makes my heart ache... " He wanted to lift his hand to wipe her tears, but he couldn't move up.

She grabbed his big hand and stroked her face, "Yan shiting, don't talk anymore..."

"I want to say..." His affectionate eyes filled with reluctant to give up, staring at her face, as if deeply afraid of missing a look at her, even not willing to blink, "don't say, maybe No more There's no chance. "

"No, no!" She shook her head. "You can't do anything. You can't do anything!"

"Wife You never said you love me... " "Do you love me?" he asked with a hopeful look

"I love you, I love you!" Her tears were like broken beads, "I love you, Yan shiting!"

He laughed, contentedly.

Even if he died, he had no regrets.

"Wife, I love How I love you In his eyes, because he was too reluctant to give up her, a faint mist of tears appeared, "if I die, you want to Live well, will you? "

"Not good!" She shook her head sadly. "If you die, I won't live alone."

"No!" He was worried, and blood gushed out of his mouth again. "We still have Xiaobao. We can't let him be an orphan You should raise Xiaobao well... "

"I don't care You must persist and live! " She screamed bitterly, "Xiao Bao can't have no father, I can't have no you!"

"I can't bear you I can't give up Xiaobao... " His nostalgic tears seeped from the corners of his eyes and gradually closed his eyes.

"Yan shiting!" Cheng yingxuan called him eagerly. She raised her hand and put her nose on him. She found that he was just in a coma. She put down her heart a little.


In the operating room of the hospital, the doctor stood in front of the operating table to help Yan shiting get the bullet and clean the wound , the fastest update of the webnovel!