Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1168

Seeing the scene a little fierce, her lips floating a trace of a smile.

As long as the chaos, she will have a chance!

Cheng Hanming sneered at Cen Sufen, Yan Song, and old master Yan, "don't you say that Cheng yingxuan is an orphan girl, not noble enough to be worthy of Yan shiting? My daughter, isn't it noble enough? "

All three were stunned.

Yan shiting, who has always been cold like a frost for thousands of years, was stunned.

Then his icy eyes crossed a wisp clearly.

No wonder yingxuan asked him to help Cheng Hanming rise to the top and let him be polite to Cheng yingxuan. She turned out to be Cheng Hanming's daughter.

"What do you say?" CEN Sufen did not seem to understand to ask again.

"Cheng yingxuan is my own daughter who has been missing for many years, and her blood is very noble." Cheng Hanming announced in a cold voice, "only others are not worthy of my daughter, and no one is not worthy of her. Is that clear enough?"

Yan Song and old master Yan's faces froze and were shocked by the explosive news.

Cheng Anqi and Yang Xi called out, "how could it be?"

Cheng can't accept the reality, "Cheng yingxuan is a humble orphan. How could she be the president's daughter?"

Before the fall of her family, even now, Cheng Anqi always felt that at least she was a valuable family and once more noble than Cheng yingxuan.

Unexpectedly, Cheng yingxuan turned out to be the daughter of moorsia.

Who is moorsia? The successor of the world's largest family. Everyone knows that Lucia has only one missing daughter.

How could it be Cheng yingxuan? How could it be her!

Cheng yingxuan's father is also president!

She is always more noble than Cheng yingxuan, but the fact is that Cheng yingxuan is a cloud in the sky. She is just mud on the ground. She can't accept this fact at all!

Staring at Cheng yingxuan's eyes, she is almost cannibal.

Yang Xi is also similar to the idea, "Mr. President, do you recognize the wrong person?"

CEN Sufen also carefully asked, "are you mistaken?"

"Han Ming and I have arranged for a paternity test that cannot be wrong. Cheng yingxuan is my own daughter The decisive words came from Moria, who was coming in at the door.

Cheng Hanming loved his wife and rushed to meet him. "SIA, how did you come?"

"I got the news that Cen Sufen, old master Yan, Yang Xi and Cheng Anqi stayed in their daughter's villa for a long time and did not come out." "I was afraid that yingxuan would suffer, so I came here," said morcia

Even Mrs. Moore confirmed Cheng yingxuan's identity.

It's impossible to confuse the moors.

That's not wrong.

Yang Xi showed her teeth with jealousy, and her crazy jealousy almost drove her to explode.

Yan Song and old master Yan are very stiff, unpredictable and cold on their backs.

Only Yan shiting's expression was a little surprised when he first heard the news, and his cold face soon had no waves.

Because for him, it doesn't matter what kind of identity and lineage Cheng yingxuan is.

He only knows that Cheng yingxuan is the woman he loves, and he wants to protect the woman for a lifetime.

That's all.

Cheng yingxuan looks at Yan shiting's reaction, but is not half happy because her life story is exposed.

It shows that he doesn't care about her life experience.

This man, from the beginning to the end looking at her eyes, only deep love. , the fastest update of the webnovel!