Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1034

Yan shiting was somewhat displeased with him for coming uninvited.

As the host of this evening's reception, moorsia was indifferent. She looked down at the little guy in her arms. "Baby, I'm going to greet the guests. Are you going with me or with your mother?"

"I'll stay with mom." Tender voice does not hesitate to choose.

"All right." Moorsia was helpless. "If I had known that there would be no reception tonight, I would have called chief engineer Cheng and Xiao Bao directly. Since all the guests have come, I, as the host, have to be polite. Excuse me first

Mu Yu Feng raised his glass, "please help yourself."

Cheng yingxuan and Yan shiting also nodded slightly, meaning that she could excuse me.

Morcia put treasure down from his thigh, let him sit in the sand of the elegant seat, and gave him a kiss on the face, "little guy, miss me."

"Maybe." Little hands wipe face, always be kiss, very helpless.

"Must think!" Thea said, "what should I do? I missed you before I left..."

"Well, auntie, don't discharge electricity to me. It won't work."

“……” Moorsia took a few steps in her high heels, turned her head and said, "I'll call you back."

Cheng yingxuan laughed, "son, how can she discharge to you?"

"If you always think of me, don't you discharge to me?" Cheng Xiaobao Du mouth, "although I know I look very handsome, also not so hook people?"

Yan shiting was holding a glass of whisky in his hand. When he heard the words, the wine almost didn't come out. "Son, when did you become so narcissistic?"

"Heredity." "Xuanxuan has always been a little narcissistic, don't you know. As her son, it's normal to inherit her. "

Yan shiting casually said, "Mrs. Moore is an old lady. She also claimed to be beautiful and elegant just now. It seems that there are many narcissists."

"That's it." Xiao Bao echoed, "it doesn't divide men, women, old and young."

Mu Yufeng missed a beat in her heart.

This is not only a lot of narcissistic people, but Mrs. Moore and Cheng yingxuan's mother and son are basically a family.

As the saying goes, it's not that a family doesn't enter a house.

Mu Yu Feng raises his glass to Cheng yingxuan, who is sitting next to him. "I'd like to toast you..."

Originally, he wanted to sit beside her, but Yan shiting and his son sat on her left and right respectively, so that he could not get close to her.

It seemed to be like her heart that he never got in.

A wisp of bitter and astringent light floated from the bottom of his heart. With the sad music playing at the reception, his mood was also depressed.

"I don't want to drink." She is really too lazy to drink.

"It doesn't matter." He curled his lips. "Anyway, I'm used to being rejected by you."

She didn't even agree to his proposal despite a drink.

"If you are wise, you should go far away." Yan shiting snorted coldly, "Cheng yingxuan is mine, you will never have a chance!"

Mu Yu Maple did not buy it. "If there is a chance, it is not your has the final say. I believe that Xuanxuan can see my good and will accept me

"You want to die?" Yan shiting narrowed his eyes slightly, and his whole body was filled with cold anger.

"All right Cheng yingxuan stopped two people, "don't give tit for tat at the party. I don't allow you to smash Mrs. Moore's court."

Yan shiting cast a warning look to Mu Yufeng, and then withdrew his sight to yingxuan.

Mu Yufeng looks as usual. She looks at the direction of the dance floor and sees Yang Xi coming with her make-up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!