Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1035

"Yan Shao, Mu Shao, you are all here." Yang Xi said hello with a smile, deliberately ignoring Cheng yingxuan's mother and son.

Both men ignored her, and she didn't feel embarrassed. She actually found a seat and sat down.

"Who allowed you to sit here?" Yan shiting's eyes burst out displeasure.

Mu Yufeng glances at Yang Xi. Her face is covered with thick powder to cover up the red and swollen face. Even if her face is equivalent to brushing the "wall", it does not appear abrupt under the colorful dim light.

Not to help her speak, but deliberately with Yan shiting, "tonight's territory, is Mrs. Moore's, she is invited guests, want to sit here, or can."

Yan shiting snorted coldly, "if I say no, it's not accurate."

Mu Yufeng originally wanted to let Yang Xi sit beside her. She was also disgusted with the woman and was afraid of yingxuan's anger. So she shrugged her shoulders helplessly. "Yan Shao doesn't like you, so Miss Yang will take another seat."

"It doesn't matter. I'll just stand by the elegant seat for a while." She rose and stood to the side.

Yan shiting held out his hand to Cheng yingxuan, "I invite you to dance."

Cheng yingxuan was not interested. "I can't dance well."

People are not omnipotent. She always has something she is not good at.

Yang Xi quickly said, "Yan Shao, I dance very well. You can ask me to dance..."

Yan shiting didn't give her a look in his eyes. He said to Cheng yingxuan, "it doesn't matter. You can just show her the favor."

Cheng yingxuan thought that Yan shiting was almost on the bar with Mrs. Moore for her sake. Out of being moved, she still got up and joined the dance floor with him.

The lighting of the reception has always been controlled by the lighting master behind the scenes. As soon as they enter the dance floor, the main light will appear as a white circle to cover the two people.

In an instant, they became the focus of the dance floor.

The melodious foreign wind and music curled and whirled. Cheng yingxuan and Yan shiting stood face to face. She lifted her slender arm, put her hand on his shoulder, and held the other hand with him. He held her waist.

Her waist was so thin that he could not help feeling pity for her.

Two people are separated from each other in a short distance, with the slow rhythm of the music slowly moving dance steps.

Yan shiting bowed his head and said in her ear, "in fact, my dance is not good, and I can only dance slowly."

"I see." She nodded. "You don't look like a dancer at all. Then why did you ask me to dance? "

The male voice is deep and sexy, "because..." Suddenly he took her into his arms and said, "I can hold you like this!"

“……” Her whole body was held in her arms. Many people's eyes were looking at her. She was not too struggling, "Yan shiting, don't hold me so tight. We are dancing..."

"I don't care." His voice is a little hoarse because of "

Almost zero distance fit, she certainly felt the impulse of his lower body.

She was stiff. "Come on, a lot of people are watching."

"Let them see, but not much." He didn't care. His lips were close to her ear and whispered vaguely, "yingxuan, we haven't had that for a long time. You can give it to me at night, OK?"

"Not good." She refused, not wanting to.

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