Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1033

"I don't want to take advantage of your love, nor do I want to tarnish your heart. I don't want outsiders to think that I make friends with you, which is flattery, and thus stain this feeling."

Her words filled Yan shiting's eyes with respect.

His woman, is so arrogant, disdain to take advantage of others.

There are other guests in the elegant seat nearby. Hearing that Cheng yingxuan refuses to recognize Mrs. Moore's offer of marriage, they think she is really disrespectful!

How much is backbone worth? How many people would like to rush to curry favor with Moore's family, but she would rather go abroad?

There is no partition wall in the elegant seats at the reception. Some guests in the elegant seats next door cast idiotic eyes at Cheng yingxuan.

Cheng yingxuan received people's eyes, but did not agree.

There was a flash of satisfaction in morcia's eyes.

To be honest, she is very fond of Cheng yingxuan's mother and son, but she is a rational person. Even if she likes it any more, no one is allowed to use the Moore family.

The first time we meet, we recognize the relationship, which is also a trial.

After all, the vote of the Yan Family and the Mu family is in the hands of the Yang family. Only her husband Cheng Hanming can make the crucial vote of the Yang family become worthless.

However, her husband Cheng Hanming has not been in the political arena for decades.

If she asked Han Ming to help one side, with his love for himself, she would certainly agree.

Because of her husband's unconditional good, she will not abuse this love, will not help the wrong people, will not let him embarrassed.

Without sufficient reason, she would not have the heart to let him break decades of principles to stand in line.

If Cheng yingxuan's mother and son agreed to this, she would have a long heart for future exchanges.

Cheng yingxuan took the initiative to refuse, but it seems that she is natural and generous. She really does not want to take advantage of Moore's family at this juncture.

This is not snobbish, do not use the feelings of people let her extremely appreciate, worth in-depth friendship.

Who is yingxuan? The killer of that time - "hell angel"!

With her sharp eyes, naturally there was no omission of Mrs. Moore's satisfied eyes.

That shows that Mrs. Moore's initiative to identify her husband is just a kind of trial.

If you accept it, it will be a bad thing and you will be alienated.

I didn't recognize it. There's still the possibility of making friends.

How could Cheng yingxuan not want to marry Mrs. Moore?

The Yan family needs that crucial vote, and she doesn't care. If the elders of Yan family are not satisfied with her, they will not marry Yan shiting.


In case of death, the Yan family will rob her of her son

She needs a backing.

Especially strong backing like the Moore family.

In the face of excessive power, sometimes the money in her hand is not so important.

If the other party is sincere, they can get married. However, if they are anxious, they can't eat hot tofu. If they can't do it well, they will be self defeating.

Of course, if the other party does not want to, she is not really in a hurry to flatter people.

Hearing his mother's words, Cheng Xiaobao said, "Auntie, you heard that my mother's attitude is my attitude, so I don't recognize you as a grandmother."

Moorsia had been trying to find out, hoping that the other party would not accept the marriage. The other party refused completely. She felt lost and said, "OK..."

Her loneliness deepened in the end.

"What are you so happy about? Can I join you? " Mu Yufeng took the initiative to go to the elegant seat and sit down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!