Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1023

Yang Qian's face was embarrassed. "In fact, I was born in a noble family. Cheng yingxuan has the ability, but she is just an orphan girl with humble background! She is not qualified for your invitation! Who has the right to ask you to help with the lie and ask her in advance? "

Moorsia was slightly angry, "Miss Yang, you even doubt me in order to win Cheng yingxuan!"

"I dare not Just not convinced... " Yang Xi's voice became weaker.

She dare not offend the Moore family. The consequence is Will bury her father's future.

"Let me be convinced." Moorsia looked at Cheng yingxuan and said, "chief engineer Cheng, in order to prove that I am not temporarily looking for you to step down, can you show me your invitation at the moment?"

"No problem." Cheng yingxuan put the empty red wine cup on the plate held by waiter standing next to her, laughing and praising, "the waiter of Moore's family is self-restraint. When he sees the guests drinking, he will wait to collect the cup."

"Miss Cheng is flattered." Young waiter nodded.

She smiles, opens the small satchel hanging on her hand, and finds a delicate invitation from it.

Yang Qian as like as two peas, and the breath of the air was suddenly rising. The beautiful culvert was exactly the same as she received. It was the Moore's home, and she lost her voice. "How can you invite Han Cheng?"

"The truth is, I do." Cheng yingxuan raised her hand and intended to put it back in her bag.

Yang Xi's heart dropped and she suddenly understood, "I think it's fake that you went to drink red wine just now. It's true that you stole Yan Shao's or Mu Shao's invitation and pretended to be your own?"

Cheng yingxuan pulled down her face, "I don't know how to behave like that."

"If not, open the invitation!"

"You're hysterical." Cheng yingxuan simply opened the invitation letter. The first line of the invitation was actually filled with Cheng yingxuan, the chief engineer.

"No It's impossible... " Yang Qian, pale and blue, murmured, "it must be Yan Shao or Mu Shao who protected you and changed their invitation letter to your name. I want to see Yan Shao and Mu Shao's invitation..."

"Look at my invitation, bitch. Are you qualified?" Yan shiting didn't buy her at all.

Cheng yingxuan said, "to prove that I have not changed your invitation card, please show me." First, he glanced at Yan shiting, and then looked at Mu Yufeng.

They really took out each other's invitation from their suit pockets and opened them.

When Yang Qian saw an invitation to Yan shiting and Mu Yufeng, "Cheng yingxuan's invitation card is not tampered with by you. I suspect she took the opportunity to make a fake..."

Morcia was impatient. "Miss Yang, you really want to dig three feet. I'll convince you. "

He whispered to the bodyguard next to him. The latter left for a minute and turned back with an inspection instrument.

"No one can pretend to be the invitation letter of the Moore family. The scanning of the instrument can tell whether it is true or not. The green light is true and the red light is false. Chief engineer Cheng, bring your han Cambodian here for identification. "

Cheng yingxuan handed it to her. The bodyguard took Han Cambodian and scanned the stripe code with the instrument. The green light was on.

"It's really Han Cambodian..." Some guests saw this and echoed one after another.

"This is the guest list that I invite this time. It's all prepared in advance. Cheng yingxuan is on the list." , the fastest update of the webnovel!