Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1024

She pointed to Cheng yingxuan's name, which was embedded among a group of invited guests. "As you can see, chief engineer Cheng was invited in advance, not just trying to find a way for her. She is my guest of honor. I have no reason to drive her away, even treat her warmly! Miss Yang Xi, do you have nothing to say now

Seeing this situation, the guests all helped to condemn Yang Xi, "Miss Yang, if you don't understand everything clearly, it's too much to write a big article!"

"Miss Yang, you are the daughter of your family, and your father is also a man of honor. How can you be so unreasonable?"

"How could Mrs. Moore lie because she gave Cheng yingxuan a temporary step? What she said would be the truth. You've ruined Mrs. Moore's party like this... "

The denunciation continued to attack Yang Xi.

Yang Qian was totally lost in her face and face. She was almost shameless. When she got to this job, she didn't dare to cross the line. "I'm not good. Yan always hit me right. I didn't understand the situation, so I misunderstood that chief engineer Cheng sneaked into the party. I I've also heard that Cheng yingxuan was sneaking in and was misled

Mu Yufeng also wanted to help Cheng yingxuan. She asked sarcastically, "tell me, who misled you?"

Yang Qian was a liar. She always thought that Cheng yingxuan was not qualified to be invited, so she would hold on to her writing. She couldn't name her name for a moment

"No more?" Mu Yu Feng sneered.

Yang Xi remembers that Li Yajing, an ordinary staff member of the design department who came with her tonight, swept around among the guests and didn't see her!

This bitch surnamed Li, such a big thing, didn't see her to help herself to say a word, at the moment, there are no people, then push her.

"It was Li Yajing who lied to me that Cheng yingxuan had come without invitation. She misled me

At the end of the speech, Li Yajing, who was hiding behind the guests, rushed out and called out wrongly, "Miss Yang, how could you say that? I didn't mislead you at all. I didn't even know that the Federation of trade unions Cheng would not be present! "

"Where are you shrinking?" Yang Xi pointed to her swollen face. "I brought you the party. You are so ungrateful that I am beaten, and you don't say a good word for me!"

"Yan always beats you. How dare I help you? That's not looking for death. " Li Yajing felt funny in her heart.

Bring her to a cocktail party, you know? Well, that's really funny.

If you can help, you can't.

Who makes Yang Xi so annoying.

However, I hate Cheng yingxuan more because she is a woman standing next to Yan shiting.

Tonight's event, a little more firm.

If you deal with Cheng yingxuan, you have to do nothing You have to let Cheng's turn over!

Bear with it and look for opportunities.

Cheng yingxuan's eyes are sharp and sharp, and Li Yajing looks at her own kind and tolerant eyes.

It is estimated that she hates herself, but she can only bear it. Sooner or later, she will become a ninja turtle!

Yang Xi can't step on Cheng yingxuan, or step on Li Yajing. "Yes, Miss Li, you're just a servant's daughter. It's a great honor for you to follow me into the wine party as my bag maid. There's no right to say anything. "

Li Yajing was really humiliated. She had come to approach Yan shiting and flatter the powerful. She didn't get any benefits. She was ridiculed by Yang Xi twice, "I'm just not qualified to mislead you. Besides, who can mislead you with your intelligence quotient? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!