Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 1022

The ability to maintain the title of the first family of the moors is not an empty play.

"So Moore doesn't want to rush to yingxuan?" Yan shiting narrowed his narrow eyes slightly.

"Of course..." How can Yang Xi allow her to let Cheng yingxuan go so easily, and how can she allow Yan shiting to make friends with the Moore family? Quickly said, "Mrs. Moore, you are afraid of the threat of general Yan, so let Cheng yingxuan go?"

Yang Qian's words fall, the reception scene again silent, the music did not know when to stop.

Moorsia frowned, "Miss Yang, you are pure hearted to stir up the contradiction between the Moore family and general manager Yan!"

"No Yang Xi was eager for the contradiction to expand and refused to admit, "I'm just for your face. You think, Cheng yingxuan mixed into your party and violated your threat. If you don't punish, can you punish those who mix into your party in the future? Your prestige will be greatly reduced. "

"It's a grand reason." Moorsia laughed. The fine lines in the corner of her eyes did not affect her elegance. "You just want to fight Cheng yingxuan down and want to borrow my knife. Are you qualified?"

Yang Xi's heart trembled. Knowing that she was angry, she was still brave and determined to fight her way, "wronged, madam. I really do it for you If you don't rush Cheng yingxuan out today, others will only think that you are afraid of Mr. Yan, only if you are threatened by him

"Yang Xi, are you impatient to live?" Yan shiting gave a warning.

This cheap woman, is she really immortal?

In fact, mosia half appreciated Yan shiting's arrogance and protecting his short comings. However, he did not pay much attention to the moors' family, and he was also a little upset. "Mr. Yan, Miss Yang said that is reasonable. It's true that people think I'm afraid of you. In the final analysis, isn't it Cheng yingxuan who got into my party? What if I said she didn't sneak in, but I invited her? "

"No way!" Yang Xi exclaimed, "how can it be? It must be your pure heart to find her the way down the stairs! "

"Why not?" "I always appreciate a woman with real ability. I've seen Cheng yingxuan's" divine drawing "in the elite competition. I've seen her. She really has the ability and ability to be called a genius in the construction industry. In the construction industry, there are many men and few women. She is so young and outstanding that she has won honor for the majority of women. What's more, Cheng yingxuan is the youngest senior engineer who has been promoted unconventionally in this city, and the chief engineer of thunder group. It's strange that I invited her to the reception for such a capable woman? "

"Strange is not strange." An official who made friends with Yang's father bravely helped Yang Xi to say a word, "it's just that you say it now, madam. It will look like Miss Yang said that it is to find a step for Cheng yingxuan."

Seeing that someone helped her, Yang Xi immediately agreed, "yes, there will be people who are not convinced. You can take this easily. Although Cheng yingxuan has a little ability, there are more capable people. You said that there are few women in the construction industry, but there are still some. For example, I am also an intermediate construction engineer. In time, I will also become a senior engineer. "

"Ha ha..." Lucia laughed. "Don't tell me that in time, if you don't become a senior worker, you'll put gold on your face. Won't it be funny?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!